Traveling with volcano vaporizer


Hi all,
This is not growing question....but I am looking for people with experience with taking their volcano vaporizers with them on a plane. Did airport security question or harass you? Carry on or check in? Any advice would be appreciated! thanks!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't risk it at all. Montel just got busted for a pipe....a volcano will be detected and you may lose it....and be charged for cannabis accessories.


Well-Known Member
as long as it has never been used....a volcano vaporizer is not illegal.... it was originally designed for tabbaco and other herbs....

a unused clean glass pipe is also not illegal... just as long as you dont tell airport officals its used for my medical mj

I take my iolite with me.... in my checkin all the time


Well-Known Member
They are used for cooking by chefs. But I wouldn't risk it if you have ever used pot around it as they could have drug sniffing dogs and they might get excited about the volcano. If you can I would have it shipped as well, or just try and get by without it.


Well-Known Member
If it's been used for weed then you can get in deep shit for bring it with you. In any case, there will be weed graduals and other weed particles inside the unit. I've seen them taken apart and more often then not they have some sort of spent or fresh weed in them.