Treating cancer tumors - CBD/THC & RSO


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a good thread, or maybe just knows and can answer my question?

Treating cancer tumors with RSO; does the type of oil make a difference? I've read conflicting information on whether high THC or high CBD oils should be used. Or is 50/50 or some combo thereof most effective?

Apologize I'm a bit of a newb in regards to RSO & tumor treatment. I also still have to figure out how to make it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks but not exactly what I'm looking for. Specifically I am asking about which compound I should aim to have in my oil to have the most effect on cancerous tumors. That link is mostly about nausea and appetite which has nothing really to do with what I'm asking. I have heard about the Rick Simpson protocol and was just wondering if higher CBD or higher THC oil or some combo thereof would be MOST effective.


Well-Known Member
Hi Herbal relief. Unfortunately I'm treating a friend who has cancer. She has 3 months to live and it's been a right rush to get the oil. This is what we're doing. A fast auto grow, which I've just finished. Afghan and cheese. High thc and low cbd. I've since become aware that her type of cancer needs cbd too. so am growing several high cbd strains. Don't get me wrong, the thc will be high too in some, but most it will be a 1:1 ratio thc to cbd.

She is also making a drink with water, molasses and baking soda to raise her ph to 7.5.

Juicing high alkaline veg and fruits.

I got her 7.5 grams of oil, but she got so wasted on it she is stopping until after christmas.

Look up decarboxylation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that helps. I've read conflicting info on whether CBD vs THC or 1:1 is the best. I think I will probably go for 1:1 to get the best of both compounds, unless I read some compelling information to the contrary.

For your friend, I know this is a MM forum, but look up Nitriloside . This is a compound from Apricot seeds. My neighbour's mother was diagnosed with 3 months to live from a tumor and her son started feeding her 2-3 Apricot seeds per day in a drink. The tumor shrunk 90% and she is still alive. She was told that in May, so YMMV but that's some info right there that may be of use. If you have not much time left, almost anything is worth a try. Apricot seeds will also have the benefit of boosting alkalinity. Here is a link on how the Nitriloside works:

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Well-Known Member
Hi Herbal relief. Unfortunately I'm treating a friend who has cancer. She has 3 months to live and it's been a right rush to get the oil. This is what we're doing. A fast auto grow, which I've just finished. Afghan and cheese. High thc and low cbd. I've since become aware that her type of cancer needs cbd too. so am growing several high cbd strains. Don't get me wrong, the thc will be high too in some, but most it will be a 1:1 ratio thc to cbd.

She is also making a drink with water, molasses and baking soda to raise her ph to 7.5.

Juicing high alkaline veg and fruits.

I got her 7.5 grams of oil, but she got so wasted on it she is stopping until after christmas.

Look up decarboxylation.
here's a dosage chart so that doesn't happen...maybe she took too much too fastrso-dosage-calendar-chart1.png


Well-Known Member
just so you know..

  • Dronabinol (Marinol®) is a gelatin capsule containing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that’s approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy as well as weight loss and poor appetite in patients with AIDS.

    Nabilone (Cesamet®) is a synthetic cannabinoid that acts much like THC. It can be taken by mouth to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy when other drugs have not worked


Synthetic MJ is a KILLER.
never take anything but the real macoy


I wish you all the best


Well-Known Member
Thanks but not exactly what I'm looking for. Specifically I am asking about which compound I should aim to have in my oil to have the most effect on cancerous tumors. That link is mostly about nausea and appetite which has nothing really to do with what I'm asking. I have heard about the Rick Simpson protocol and was just wondering if higher CBD or higher THC oil or some combo thereof would be MOST effective.

nuff said


Well-Known Member
Stunning visual. Ok, next question. Is using a medium chain fatty acid like coconut oil, that does not need to be processed by the liver and will uptake in greater percentages and faster, better than using grain alcohol to make the RSO out of whole plant compounds?

Sorry I don't know much about what is the most effective. How to get it where it needs to go in the body etc.



Well-Known Member
coconut oil is supposed to help uptake as are other types of additives..I only used coconut oil.
if you can find grain its better yes at 90 plus. $ 90 for 1.2 litres?
nothing wrong with 99 % IPA though. Far less expense.!!! $ 35 for 8 litres at costco
Take it all ways I say.
SUp form and ingest ,,,and dont stop at a gram or 60 grams of oil.
It takes time to get up to a proper dose. ( at least a month for most) Everyone is different though YOu will more than likely get high the whole time until you hit a dose you stay at, It will subside once on it for a while.(a few months)
YOu;ll feel great too. Lots of energy,
Eating well make the difference I feel. NO SUGAR!!!!
Lots of water while dosing as well...

good luck


Well-Known Member
Stunning visual. Ok, next question. Is using a medium chain fatty acid like coconut oil, that does not need to be processed by the liver and will uptake in greater percentages and faster, better than using grain alcohol to make the RSO out of whole plant compounds?

Sorry I don't know much about what is the most effective. How to get it where it needs to go in the body etc.

I would just use buds.... there some good tutorials on the net Google cannacaps


Well-Known Member
Is there anything better than coconut oil, like maybe Hemp oil? That shit is expensive but damn it has a lot of Omega 6 & 3. Maybe combine them?

gb123 - I agree! Cancer is for people who think they have cancer. Positive thinking is stronger than medicine...


Well-Known Member
buds wont do it jackal but if thats your choice..thats your choice
No not dry in caps but mixed with coconut oil .... didn't think that needed explaining. .. but yeah with oil cannacaps search should bring up how to cook it and package too


Well-Known Member
you're very welcome.
the little guy is supposed to be a grain of rice. sorry for no explanation

half a grain for first 7 days..and then more. they might still catch a buzz so get some stuff to distract and let them know it's ok and to let themselves enjoy it. that will also help so they are more relaxed and not "panicked"

all the best!

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a good thread, or maybe just knows and can answer my question?

Treating cancer tumors with RSO; does the type of oil make a difference? I've read conflicting information on whether high THC or high CBD oils should be used. Or is 50/50 or some combo thereof most effective?

Apologize I'm a bit of a newb in regards to RSO & tumor treatment. I also still have to figure out how to make it.
High thc is what you want. Find high thc strain make rso. here's the step by step for everything I believe


Well-Known Member
No not dry in caps but mixed with coconut oil .... didn't think that needed explaining. .. but yeah with oil cannacaps search should bring up how to cook it and package too
bud is bud , weather its mixed with coconut oil or not.
a concentrate is different and whats used to kill tumors.
I guess you could eat an ounce a day...