Tri-leaf nodes?

the stealth

New Member
I've had my baby in veg from seed for about 1 1/2 months and she's doing beautifully, I did a top very early on (about the 3rd node) and one of the leaves didn't grow properly and had to be removed, which caused this ridiculous fim-looking 4 branch node and I trained her to grow this way, horizontally, until I stopped the lst and just let her reach for the light a bit. But on the lowest of the 4 nodes, there's been an odd pattern in the branch. The other 3 branches have normally developing dual-leaf growth, where the nodes are directly across from each other and are only a pair at each node. But this branch has been growing where there are triplets at each node, and 3 fan leaves grow at once at one node site. I'm not worried it just takes slightly longer for the 3 leaves to grow than the 2 leaves on each of the other branches. Just wondering if it has to do with genetics, and maybe it's a mutation due to the bad top early on, and I permanently screwed up that branch's genetics to grow triplet nodes. Just wanted to get the community's thoughts. This is the normal growth below, and below that is the tri leafed growth.image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
something wierd with those plants, are their leaves fat and furry or is that just the picture? They look underfed and over watered maybe?

the stealth

New Member
something wierd with those plants, are their leaves fat and furry or is that just the picture? They look underfed and over watered maybe?
it was a nitrogen deficency ive been fixing and the "furry" appearence are little trichomes that seem to spot the new growth. nothing weird with them.