Tri Pics and Straind specific harvesting

First, I am new to this site and have spent the last week combing through the different threads under all the multiple subsections. Granted I have not been through them all, but I have found a lack of true postings regarding optimal harvest time.

Here is what I suggest. Send some pics and info about your harvest. Depicting mainly the strain, pictures of the tris, hairs, and plant as a whole, why you choose to harvest at that point, and the outcome.

After many years, it is still really hard to find the optimal point of harvest for all the different varities out there. I feel it would be a great help to anyone who wishes to switch, or has, having pictures of optimal harvest times particular to that genetic. (purchase point would help but not all that required)

Please be honest, if you harvested to early, to late, why you think this and an evaluation of what should be affirmed before whacking away. I know I am on a complete different strain and wish I had some info. Granted years of experience help, but you never know what one may find.

Subject: (Straind Name, Purchase point, (Early, Late, or Perfect)

If that was followed it would allow for being able to pic what is important to the individual searching the logs!

As always, be Safe and Happy Horticulture;-)
By the way, I will post accordingly in a few days, once I can provide detailed and informative information on my work in progress....