trichrome stability


Active Member
how sturdy are trichromes? when growing outdoors will elements like rain/wind damage or remove trichromes from the plant? :joint:


Well-Known Member
You know, that's a damn good question. I've often wondered that my self. I've also often wondered if a lot of what we would consider more "commercial grade" weed doesn't start out high quality and lose much of it's potency due to mishandling. Brown weed is brown because when harvested down in Mexico they just leave it in the sun to dry and it is half rotted when we get it. You might possibly grow a seed from a bag of brown shwag and get a damn nice plant. Although with today's modern seed banks this would be foolish.


Well-Known Member
According to Jorge Cerevantes-dont go on a rant about what a god or fraud he is- in his book Medical Marijuana Cultivation, he describes comparisons between indoor and outdoor trichomes. Indoor trichomes are larger, but the plant is more delicate and has a larger hollow in the center. Outdoor trichomes are smaller, probably because its harder to hit a small target, and the plant is sturdier. There was no information about potency or production of trichome in a comparison, but i guess they would kind of even out.

There is no light source better than the sun so that will grow a better plant.
Inside, there are no pests, sand storms, or heavy rain, so that would grow a better plant.

This may be a mystery for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
Yes they will be better inside than outside but the natural UVB light from the sun will make the tricromes more potent smoke. If your growing outside and your budding dont let water stay on your plant because your buds will develop a mold and rot and if you smoke it, it taste like crap. So after rain go to your plant and lightly shake it to remove the extra whater.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Thats a good call. Ive done that from time to time, esp if the weather is cool and the water doesnt evaporate quickly.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Yes they will be better inside than outside but the natural UVB light from the sun will make the tricromes more potent smoke. If your growing outside and your budding dont let water stay on your plant because your buds will develop a mold and rot and if you smoke it, it taste like crap. So after rain go to your plant and lightly shake it to remove the extra whater.
Good luck
weed was always grown outdoors until indoor cultivation was proven more convienient(although u gotta spend money).Im sure heavy rain will degrade sum trichs but thats wat tarps are for
Trichomes are very sticky so light drizzles wont have any effect.

wen most showers on the east coast seem to have an average of happening during the night
Thats y my plants are on 12/12

12hours outdoor/12 hours indoor(darkness)
to avoid any night time showers and because theyre flowering


Well-Known Member
real good question, and one answer is 'it doesn't matter'
the plant is quite capable of pumping out more resin, i.e. trichomes
proof is the time honored method of rubbing hash off the plants in nepal, etc.
plant is hand rubbed for resin, can be rubbed several times during harvest time


Well-Known Member
I would still shake the plant lightly to remove extra water so buds are a better when harvested.


Well-Known Member
You know, that's a damn good question. I've often wondered that my self. I've also often wondered if a lot of what we would consider more "commercial grade" weed doesn't start out high quality and lose much of it's potency due to mishandling. Brown weed is brown because when harvested down in Mexico they just leave it in the sun to dry and it is half rotted when we get it. You might possibly grow a seed from a bag of brown shwag and get a damn nice plant. Although with today's modern seed banks this would be foolish.
My first grow was of some swag seeds surely imported from mexico since I lived close to there at the time. I had a total of 12 females that all varied when dried and cured(from the same bag). 4 plants were covered in trics, and the high was just like Granddaddy purp. But another plant didn't even get us high. And the rest were just ok. I personally think it's all based on genetics, and even good genes can produce a bad offspring. And vice versa. Tho if you take good genes you'll more than likely have good genetics.


Active Member
I can't tell you that I know exactly why....BUT, I, at one point was growing a nice blueberry plant that was very rich with trichs. It was grown indoors. THEN....I gave a clone of that same strain to a friend who decided to grow it in his backyard.

The plant looks COMPLETELY different! I cant tell you if he cares for it the proper way but really....looks nothing like what I had been growing. His plant had slim-to-none trichs visible to me, and the hairs were a deep purple....the hairs on mine always ended up turning orange.

Dont know it this helps, but yea, same strain, and the indoor had MUCH more trichs.


how sturdy are trichromes? when growing outdoors will elements like rain/wind damage or remove trichromes from the plant? :joint:
Trichromes are very sturdy in nature. The wind is not going to bother them, flying debris might knock some They are also water nonsoluable so that is not an issue. Some strains or hybrids are not really desireable grown outside. Just pick your strains for your growing conditions and give her all that she wants and she will deliver a nice frosty plant, provided you have decent genetics. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
According to Jorge Cerevantes-dont go on a rant about what a god or fraud he is- in his book Medical Marijuana Cultivation, he describes comparisons between indoor and outdoor trichomes. Indoor trichomes are larger, but the plant is more delicate and has a larger hollow in the center. Outdoor trichomes are smaller, probably because its harder to hit a small target, and the plant is sturdier. There was no information about potency or production of trichome in a comparison, but i guess they would kind of even out.

There is no light source better than the sun so that will grow a better plant.
Inside, there are no pests, sand storms, or heavy rain, so that would grow a better plant.

This may be a mystery for quite some time.
Trichomes absorb and refract light from the sun channelling the energy to the leaf. Think of the mushroom headed bulbous trich as a naturally efficient solar panel... Thats why they exist. The resin that they are created out of is also a barrier for the plant to prevent getting dried out.
The indoor trichomes are larger because indoor light is not nearly as potent as natural light and it is generally drier indoors due to air conditioning.
Outdoor is ample light and generally more humid. because we generally grow in the hot summer.
Just like with fruit i say the harder a plant has to struggle sweeter the fruit. The easier and more plush the conditions, the bigger the fruit, but the refinement and sweetness is not there.


Well-Known Member
Trichomes absorb and refract light from the sun channelling the energy to the leaf. Think of the mushroom headed bulbous trich as a naturally efficient solar panel... Thats why they exist. The resin that they are created out of is also a barrier for the plant to prevent getting dried out.
The indoor trichomes are larger because indoor light is not nearly as potent as natural light and it is generally drier indoors due to air conditioning.
Outdoor is ample light and generally more humid. because we generally grow in the hot summer.
Just like with fruit i say the harder a plant has to struggle sweeter the fruit. The easier and more plush the conditions, the bigger the fruit, but the refinement and sweetness is not there.
dude great wording! +rep


Active Member
yeah the trichomes are a natural barrier, they protect the plant from harsh cold to an extent and heat but not as much, also in the wild they protect plants from fire. have you ever tried to burn a fresh marijuana plant that is still in the ground. it is nearly impossible, this is due to it being green for one but alot of it has to do with the trichomes abilities to stop fire from getting to the plant and drying out the leaves enough to burn it. its amazing really how over millions of years marijuana has developed the trichomes as an insulation to the harsh elements while at the same time producing chemicals that make animals and humans alike want to consume it. this was probably to help with the spread of seeds as a way to procreate.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, ill check my plants in the moring, and see a bee stuck on a stem. Im guessing he got too stoned to make it home.


Well-Known Member
If growing outdoors different variables such as wind can degrade the thc on a cannabis plant. Trichomes are very delicate and bruise extremely easy. That's why when planting outdoors I look for an "airy" not windy corridor or area. Not enough wind=weak plants 2 much=wind degradation. But thats just my 2 cents. I hope I was of any help. []Deace!