Tricks for producing more Resin!!!! Any body?


Hey there. I just wanted to start a thread in hopes to get some cool tricks for more Resin production ..Any products that work and there info would be awesome ... I heard a dryer room and more darkness will create more resin production ... Any advice welcomed!.


Undercover Mod
24 hours of darkness before harvest is what i'veheard. But also something about cold water watering before harvest.


Well-Known Member

I often have 10 strains flowering at the same time, all of them will be covered in trichs so I figure there's more to it than being strain dependant.

Intense light for short periods of time, I use a light mover, is much more important than constant lower intensity light. I made my garden narrow, 3' x 8', and rotate my plants several times a day so each quarter of the plant is directly under the light at sometime through the day.

I've been using an LED as a spot for the last week or two of flower as well, It makes some difference and speeds trichnome ripening a bit.


Fox Farm solubles
Overdrive - I use 1 1/2 tbs per gallon for the last 3 to 4 weeks.
Kool Bloom
Dark Energy
Super Nova
Liquid Karma


Air pruning buckets to develop a good root system - this made a noticeable difference with my plants, both volume and trichs. I've been finding that buckets with holes drilled in the sides, lined with landscape fabric or window screen, a second bucket for the first to sit in until you want to kill the root tips a few days before watering.




Well-Known Member
I like letting the pot get bone dry. SNowStorm Ultra or fox farm solubles work well for me...... Some even say torture with needles at the end of flowering........