Trim before or after dried?

Has anybody ever tried trimming off all the sugar leaves before drying but leaving most of the bigger fan leaves on the bud? That way all the tough trim work is already done while its easy but you still have your fan leaves on there to protect the buds and slow down the drying process. Then before curing you could just go thru and pick off all the fan leaves without damaging the trichs..... Ive never tried it just came to me while I was reading everybodys different drying/curing techniques in this thread, it seems like you might be able ta get the best of both worlds this way
What yall think? Anybody ever tried it????


Well-Known Member
thats a good fucking idea. i still got one more purple kush clone that im stretchin for another few days. i think i'll trim this way chief! i noticed that the weed i trimmed after dried was alot more crystally however it was soooooooo much harder to manicure.
Lemme know how it goes Grape foreal, PM me or just post here. We might be on ta somethin here! Im hopin that would slow down the drying process and give all that clorophyll a chance ta break down so you dont end up with that grass hay smell ya know. Ive had that problem before and the bud still smokes great and smells really good when you break it up but I want my shit ta stank when you crack that jar! I want it ta stank through the jar! Im pretty sure drying the buds too fast is what causes that and hopefully this will help and itll protect those frosty nugs. But def lemme know how that works out, I got some outdoor chocolopes and satoris that are comin down at the end of this month and thats gonna be the new drying technique if it works!


Well-Known Member
for sure chief, i plann on choppping my last baby in a week or so. i'l keep ya posted, i love me some SLOW dried dank tho, everything about it really is better from the crystals to the stank stank. yo what state you from if you dont mind me askin lol?
Yeah its definitely not as herb friendly as Cali but at least I aint got C.A.M.P. ta worry about! But possession of less than 100 g is only a payout ticket and you might even get away without a swift ass whippin if you dont talk shit! But Id much rather have my own script and license ta grow 99 plants! Im bout ta be choppin the first half of my girls in a couple days and tryin out this new trimmin technique, hows that purple lookin so far anyway man?
YO GrapeMan where ya been at man? I tried that method out on my outdoor girls and worked really well, slow even dry and the final trim was a breeze! The initial trim was another story tho, about 5 days of trimming 10 hours a day! I actually enjoy trimming but I was really glad ta get everything finished.
The end results... NO HAY CUT GRASS SMELL!
Lemme know if ya tried it out man peace
Hi all :)

We have been growing for four years now and we used to always trim wet, but this year we decided to dry out branches of the plant and then trim. It has worked out really well. We have always bought cheap scissors from the two dollar shops. They are fine. But what is great, is the fact when trimming dry, there is nowhere near as much resin build up on the scissors. When we used to trim dry, after every second branch of bud trim, I would have to clean the scissors. I used to use pure eucalyptus oil for this task. Now, there is so much less build up and therefore a much less tedious task. Apparently it still has the same taste. I personally don't do drugs, but my partner has smoked since he was 16, he is now 63. So he has had many years of experience in these matters haha.

Thanks all for reading.


Well-Known Member
My second harvest and I am nearly a pro at trimming. My advice is trim wet and fresh. I cut the cola, and pluck out the fan leaves down to the bud with my fingers. Then I grab my plate and fiskars ($10). I carefully trim the sugar leaves, and save them in a brown paper bag for making butter later. Remember to not butcher and dig i to flowers. If you feel resistance on the trimmer youre cutting too much. Remember leaves dont have to be cut too close to flower...leave a little leaf as it will dry up fluah with the flower. Also, handle flowers gently by the stems when trimming, try not to bang them around. Hang upside down immediatley. Do not jar early, hang a full 7 days.


Active Member
When I first started, I’d trim before drying. When I did this, it never smelled like weed, I could never shake that hay smell, now I trim after drying only. Not saying it came from trimming wet, just saying that was MY outcome


Well-Known Member
A bit of column A, a bit of column B ;-)
Mostly I dry trim now, I find I get better product that way (having tried both with my strains).
At harvest, I trim all large fan leaves connected to the main stem. Basically I clear a little space for air flow between buds.
Then, hang dry for 7 days (moisture and air flow controlled). Checking on day 3 and if need be, I remove more large leaves from the branches to accommodate air flow (leaving smaller bud leaves).

I then do final trim when the buds are around 70 - 80% moisture level. Before switching between paper bags and jars (and finally, jar curing)
