trim before or after drying period??


Morning everyone>>

We have always left on stems and trimmed before the hanging/curing..
I am seeing a lot of videos where people are drying first then trimming.

Which is the preferred method?

From the information I've read, I would leave them on for the first 3 days then trim off all the bigger leaves and leave the smaller ones until your ready to jar cure.


Active Member
I have always trimmed before stating the drying and curing process, But there are many guides out there that say to just hang them and trim before curing them. But to me that's just asking for mold.


Well-Known Member
The slower the dry the better is the general rule. I have tried both many different times for various reasons. I tend to get a better flavor if I just hang them and trim when dry, I think because they dry slower. Now a days I usually pluck anything that isn't a sugar leaf when I chop the plant, and then let them dry before I actually manicure the buds at all. This has been giving me a nice product in less time then not trimming at all, but they still take several days to dry because I leave some leaves, and I leave the buds on the stems. After about 4-5 days drying they get manicured, and jarred for curing. I usually don't have to burp the jars for more then a day or 2. I need to build a nice drying room eventually, as I feel strongly that the drying and curing is just as important as the growing.


Well-Known Member
I prefer not to trim, but since I must:

Fan leaves when left on branches wilt within hours, making it a royal PIA to remove. So I do a rough trim immediately, hang, then come back for fine manicuring. If I'm lazy, final trim right before jarring.:peace:

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Last year I tried wet trimming one plant, but I quickly realized it was taking way too long so I just cut off the big leaves and left the sugar leaves for after everything dried.