Trim or ignore?

Strain: G13 Labs - OG13
Medium: FFOF soil
Light: 2x 42W CFLs
Watering: ~every 3 days
Temps: 77-82F

First grow. I'm about 4 weeks into veg from seed. I transplanted into this 1gal pot about a ten days ago (too soon, as I immediately learned) and the 2nd node and a tiny bit of the first node of leaves turned brown as seen in the pics soon after. Growth stalled and it was looking kind of like a Mag deficiency so I added a tiny bit of epsom salt to my next two waterings and she's growing again but there is a lot of brown. What do I do about these leaves? It doesn't appear to be getting worse anymore. Do I trim off these brown leaves or just let them be? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
leave them. not going to hurt anything. when they fall off with just a slight tug then you can assume the plant was done with it.


Well-Known Member
could be a few things,have you been giveing them too high a feed,for the size of the plant i would say about 1.3 max.the plant should be about 16/18 ince tall now at week 3 of veg under a 600 hps,if you not useing hps get one fast has.then slowly raise up to 1.4 about week two of flowering just has you add pk spike big bud,from advanced.are you sure that you have not dropped any of the nutes on the leaves this will cause leave burn like this.if not flush them for a few days then back to normal nute feed


Well-Known Member
I think tyke1973 meant HID, not HPS. You shouldn't use an HPS in veg.

Your plants are stunted for some reason. I would guess overwatering and/or over fertilization. Like Tyke said, your plants should be much larger at this point assuming you have adequate lighting.
As I said I'm only using 2x 42w CFLs. Not going to shove in expensive lights til I figure out what I'm doing. ;-) And the space I have is only 2'x1'x1' for now. It's gonna be small and also as I said, it was stunted completely for about a week after I transplanted it. It's growing quickly again though.

No nutes yet but I guess I spilled soil on some of the leaves when I was filling around it during the transplant.

Soil is dry as far down as I can shove a finger (about 2" or a third of the way down) after 3 days but I'll see how it reacts to waiting an extra day.