trim or not to trim?


Active Member
Im about two weeks into budding stage and i have a ton of fan leaves and they are starting to spread out and hit the walls. So i was wondering if i should be trimming some of them off or not. Because I herd trimming could shock the plant but ive also seen people cut alot of them off. Wouldnt getting rid of some the extra leaves help the bud growth since it would have to feed so many of them? here some pics as well let me know what you think



DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Most trimming or lollipopping should be done before flowering, so they have adequate time to recover without affecting calyx production.


Active Member
DO NOT TRIM! like already said you will stress her out this late on should have been done a good 2 weeks b4 turning to flower tbh so they have time to recover from any stress but yeh bro really would just leave leaves alone well good luck hope it turns out good bro :)

past times

Well-Known Member
Hate to give you the oppisite but I always do a little trimming at about 2-3 weeks after flower. I wait until most of that initial stretching is done then do a little lollipopping. Depends on the shape of the plant, I normally take the very bottom node no matter what including the fan leaves. then The next node up I take the bud site and if there is a fan leaf inward or at all touching soilI take it too. Then deoending on height I repeat that last part on a node or 2. You have a pretty lanky plant so might want to take at least the bud sites while they are small so your plant can focus on the more light optimum bud sites.

Like they said earlier It is best to do most pruning and shaping preflower and give ample time to recover

What are you growing under?


Active Member
oh ok Im using a Sun System HPS 150 Grow Light. yeah she stretched like crazy the first week of 12/12

past times

Well-Known Member
Hey man, that light is not going to have great penetration at all. I would definitely prune a little bit. Unless get a ton of side lighting. A handful of 2 foot t5 stips around that thing would do wonders. You do that then you dont have to lollilpop as much.

Next time you should try LST, scroggin, or topping preveg next time to get more bud sites closer to that bulb. that is everyones goal


Active Member
Hey man, that light is not going to have great penetration at all. I would definitely prune a little bit. Unless get a ton of side lighting. A handful of 2 foot t5 stips around that thing would do wonders. You do that then you dont have to lollilpop as much.

Next time you should try LST, scroggin, or topping preveg next time to get more bud sites closer to that bulb. that is everyones goal
Yeah i was wondering if it was strong enough I have some fluorescent tubes laying around that puts out 3050 lumens each i could put 2 of those in there standing up. they are a cooler white light to which doesn't that promote budding to?


Well-Known Member
SCROG is definitely the way to go with the 150. Finish this grow and learn as much as you can. You'll be way better prepared next time around.

There are so many opinions on when/if to ever remove fan leaves. I've seen and had success with both techniques. When it comes down to it, the fan leaves are producers, not consumers. That has always affected my decision to trim. Good luck!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Im about two weeks into budding stage and i have a ton of fan leaves and they are starting to spread out and hit the walls. So i was wondering if i should be trimming some of them off or not. Because I herd trimming could shock the plant but ive also seen people cut alot of them off. Wouldnt getting rid of some the extra leaves help the bud growth since it would have to feed so many of them? here some pics as well let me know what you think
I wouldn't trim any...It depends on what strain when I trim...What I am growing now I trim every week a little bit...just to get light into the bush...but it grows tight and bushy....

When I grew white widow I didn't trim anything the whole grow...The WW streched for the light real nice...

Here's a pic of my bushies that I do trim...and you can see why

Dennis Rodman

Active Member
To quote all of my plant science and botany lectures: the 3rd leaf layer is a parasite.
The leaf layer 3 deep into the canopy is only utilizing ~5% light of the top ones.

Dont trim any fan leaves that are getting a good amount of light. If they are in the back and all shaded, however, it's safe to remove them as a means to improve airflow.


Well-Known Member
I have never been able to understand why people hack the hell out of their plants. I've tried it but I fail to see any advantage to doing so. Don't Trim!!!!!


I'm using 3 300 watt replacement cfls and 2 weeks into flower, the stretch is over and I have a few things near the bottom of the plant that I know won't amount to anything should I lollipop the bitch or just leave her be??


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
No.. trimming is done before flowering..

If you have to trim in flowering it should only be to cut off dying/dead leaves.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
start a new plant now and lst that bitch so when this one is done you can get to work on the next right away, topping should not be done any closer then 2 weeks till flower to allow the hormones to balance out in the new growth