Trimming dodgy leaves?


Well-Known Member
sup guys

i have a couple of dodgy leaves at the bottom of my easy ryders. yellowing, browning and crispy. what would be the right thing to do? leave them as they are or trim em' off? they are 28 days old, both female and one has been flowering for 4 days.



Well-Known Member
Pull on them lightly, if they come off, they are ready to. If they don't, I let them be.
Took the words right out of my mouth. They will usually fall right off when touched if they are ready to go.
I WILL sometimes break/tear the brown parts off of the leaves, just to make the plant look better and to see if and how the brown is spreading.


Active Member
I like pulling them off makes the plant look prettier but moasr of the time why people just said they fall off on their own and if not pull off easily


Well-Known Member
They'll drop when they're ready. I'm always a little hesitant to pull leaves off because they may be browning and crisping for a reason. If I pull them off to make the plant "look" better, I might be missing a critical piece of information until it's too late. So if you've got crisping leaves, figure out why before you pull them and address the issue!


Active Member
The clydones, original tiny round leaves are useless after fan leaves develop and no need to keep them when starting to Brown, if your plant is stretching then the first true leaves become the clydones and be the bottom node so chances are they will lack in light and crisp up and die so I generally don't worried about the first 4 leaves and of thehu are gone nutrients can be focused on the top of the plant were its needed the most, bonsai method