trimming fan leafs or no?


New Member
im not sure hwat to do here, I have a grow going with a 1000 watt hps magnetic ballast, with a cooltube and only one plant, about half way into flowering, the closet it about 3 1/2 feet deep and 5 feet wide with a butchered grow tent lining the whole thing for reflection, the plant is doing amazing but im trying to bring up the yield, I got about 6 oz last round but seems like I should be able to get more out of that many watts. so my question is do you think I should cut out the the fan leafs to get more penetration or no? its pretty much nothing but shade under the canopy and about 4 main buds coming out the top.


Well-Known Member
No. Leaves are good....trim larfy bottoms and clone them to clear under growth imho.

6oz off one plant is pretty good actually in general, not knowing how long
You vegged or container size ect..


Well-Known Member
Don't cut leaves.
However you can cut off any new bud growth that pops up on lower branches.
This will allow the plant to work on the colas.
Every gram of popcorn bud is 2 to 3 grams lost on main buds.
Personally by mid flowering anything smaller then half my thumb size is cut off.


yes do cut them off if they are blocking some of the bigger top buds or colas, but otherwise you should lollipop and prune before flower and then give them time to recover


Active Member
trimming leafs in veg and early flower should only be tried after you have grown a few crops, the yield can be a lot higher than any other technique but takes a long time to learn