Trimming fan leaves


Active Member
I'm in my 3rd week of flowering (bushy Indica) and I have these huge fan leaves that are blocking light from getting to early bud growths below.

The fan leaves don't seem to have any buds forming on the branches they are attached to.

Is it ok to trim these leaves? Not cut the branches, but just trim back big leaves?



Well-Known Member
Pics would be helpful.
As a rule you dont want to trim fan leaves.
Some strains do better if you do. I prefer to cut off the little buds down low. And leave the leaves to make my tops bigger.
There are many diff ways. It really is strain and grower specific.
Post some pics and ill tell you what i would with it.
Hope this helps.

Brick Top

New Member
Large fan leaves are a plants most efficient solar collectors and take in and distribute your plants energy to then do all the other things they do. The large fan leaves are also factories where essential sugars and chemicals are produced by combining nutrients/water and light so if you cut fan leaves off you cut off the most efficient solar collectors and also do away with the factories that create things that are essential for plant and bud growth.