Trimming harvest off plant

I understand that the more harvests you get from a plant, the better it will be.

Also that a small plant will yield as much as a large plant.

The mother got to be about 4 foot tall and it looks like the later will become true with her clones.

The problem I am having is with my short clones it is all buds except for one to three leaves. How can I harvest yet save these plants?

I'm growing indoors in confined space.

Thank you in advance and sorry if it's a stupid question.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
leave at least 3 or 4 branches on it and cut the reast off. give her 24/0 light and veg nutes and intime she will revert back, giveen your grow area is ideal or close too. good luck
I have trimmed down one plant. The best I could do was leave two water leaves. Looks pretty sad but under 24/0 lights for day 3 now it seems no worse. The rest will be trimmed very soon.