trimming lower small stuff before flower. need help here please, any pics?


Well-Known Member
ok so i know i have heard trim away everything that wont compete for the best light but im not sure how much to trim because i still have a week before flower. im growing from seed and dont want to take too much but i want to maximize production. so how much do i trim? please help me out here guys, some pics of some trimed up right before flower would be great. thanks a ton anyone that can help. oh ya how long before flower should i do the final trim. dont want them stunted at all when i start 12/12.. 420!!!!!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
what does something like that yield? so no lower branches then? thanks for the reply man.


Well-Known Member
Anything that isnt or wont be getting light, almost the bottom half of the plant, can go all situational though, but yea you can trim all the really little stuff that isnt getting light.


Well-Known Member
Hmm i dont know for sure, im sure it might be good to wait a few days to let them adjust to flowering, but I dont know for sure, it really might not stress them out all that much and it could be ok


Well-Known Member
Yeah, different strains will be slighty variant but so long as you trim less than 1/3 of the plant then it should not stress. This applies in Early flowering also, since i the plant is/will still be adjusting to light change also.


Well-Known Member
You can and I have trimmed up to the end of wk 3, with no ill effects. I like to trim up real good about a wk before the flip I take my clones at this time also, then clean things up again at about 3wks into 12/12.


Well-Known Member
This is how I do it. And like HR. Only at week 2.

Any leaves that touch the bucket or hang below are gone. Any new branches that are on the lower 6" of the plant. Gone. Any fan leaves blocking light from hitting bucket are gone. Basically if I can't get a nice nug off of it in the end it's gone at this point. But I don't lolliepop. Spend way to much time topping and training to do that.


Well-Known Member
what does something like that yield? so no lower branches then? thanks for the reply man.
I don't know really, my first lollipop, experimenting really.
I plan to chop this coming weekend, so I'll let you know.
This plant won't be an accurate gauge however, she had a rough childhood.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Strain,and lighting are factors.
I recommend lolipopping lightly for bottom airflow.The fringe buds will add up if some light,and air get to it.
Do a little now,and later make the judgement call.The more you take off without nute reduction the more imbalanced shock will be induced.