Trimming The Dead.


Well-Known Member
Hey all just have a quick question? I have 3week old kids and ran into some ph and soil troubles which I believe I have worked out. I transplanted 2days ago and all 6 have taken to the new soil and seem to be doing better. I am getting rdy to give them a light feeding of 20-20-20 and was wondering...

Should I Trimm the Yellow and Dying leaves off now or let kid finish sucking the life out of it?

Oh and I was curious, regarding superthrive. Am I able to mix it right in with 20-20-20 feeding in the same water.

Thanks for the help all, I can also post a pic or two if that would help.


Well-Known Member
Trim the sick and dying leaves off... you dont want your plant putting energy into bunk leaves. Anything that is 25% gone... trim.


Well-Known Member
No I was saying that to myself bro I apologize when I said I thought it sounded wrong. Again sorry bud.


Well-Known Member
No worries. I'm just worried about shocking them furthur, should I trimm now and water w/ a light dose of 20-20-20 so soon after transplanting. But ya think it will be cool if I go for it?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be ok but at the same time I wouldnt put too much stress on the plant at once. How long ago did you transplant?


Well-Known Member
2 days ago, other then the coloring there doing well. They seem to have taken to the new soil.