triple stacking pots... pics included [need advice!!!]


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I thought I would post here to get all of your opinions before I undergo a serious decision.

I am 6 days into flowering(since the lights turned 12/12) and I was thinking about doing a few things with my plants. For example, I noticed days ago that the roots had been shooting out the bottom of my SECOND STACKED POT!!!!!!!

I honestly didn't expect this to occur so quickly and will learn for my next grow to get this part right...

Anyways, as you can see in the aggregate picture, there are two 1 gallon pots stacked ontop of each other. In the top pot, the original, I planted in a soiless mix with lots of perlite, coco coir(I think) etc. It is pretty airy to say the least.

My BOTTOM pot is Royal Gold's Basement Mix. I have had mixed feelings about this medium as I have experienced weird problems spurratically throughout this grow, although, as you can see, my style is unorthodox....

Included the pics you will see the 2 different clones I have growing. I purchased these unrooted January 20th from a medical club. Rooted, vegged, and began flower February 20th, 1 month later.

They have been under a t5 fixture and have had a few minor problems along the way... I am currently debating purchasing a 150w or 250w HPS(w/ a built in ballast sadly.) My budget is a little tight, so I am debating buying the HPS vs. another grow under the t5s I already own...

decisions decisions, but I want to expirement!


that is ok... all that was me being stoned rambling. Simply stated, my 2 questions are, should I triple stack my pots? and will a 150w or 250w HPS be measurably better than using the 6 foot t5 bloom tubes....

OR.... my 3rd and final thought, clone the shit out of the mother plants and grow those clones initially in my bathroom under a cfl till they root. flower the mothers under a 150 or 250w hps. then take the clones and grow em and flower em simultanouesly with the mothers... Idk, I had grand ideas...

for the most part I have most essential garden items. I only lack, High intensity light, and ppm/ec pen... i got nutes and timers and spray bottles and all that other crap.. anyway enjoy da pix let me know watup

I am a little reluctant I must say, since they started to flower now and I dont want them to freak out on me....



Well-Known Member
I am 6 days into flowering(since the lights turned 12/12) and I was thinking about doing a few things with my plants. For example, I noticed days ago that the roots had been shooting out the bottom of my SECOND STACKED POT!!!!!!!

decisions decisions, but I want to expirement!

that is ok... all that was me being stoned rambling. Simply stated, my 2 questions are, should I triple stack my pots? and will a 150w or 250w HPS be measurably better than using the 6 foot t5 bloom tubes....
OR.... my 3rd and final thought, clone the shit out of the mother plants and grow those clones initially in my bathroom under a cfl till they root. flower the mothers under a 150 or 250w hps. then take the clones and grow em and flower em simultanouesly with the mothers... Idk, I had grand ideas...
for the most part I have most essential garden items. I only lack, High intensity light, and ppm/ec pen... i got nutes and timers and spray bottles and all that other crap.. anyway enjoy da pix let me know watup
I am a little reluctant I must say, since they started to flower now and I dont want them to freak out on me....
Hey man, some sort of predicament you got yourself into. I would seriously advise against triple stacking, it will not be nice to deal with later. I recommend you take as many clippings as you can and let survival of the fittest take over. If you were to start closes from those buckets you'd be in business, try transplanting next time ;).

I would check out for good, cheap HID kits, come in 150w, 175w, 250w, and 400w, and $200 will get you the whole kit, any wattage.

What size is your grow room by chance? A 250w will cover up to 3'x3' and the 400w up to 5'x5' do give you an idea.

Good luck, let me know what you decide mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya man deffinately try htgsupply I got the 400whps with air cooled hood w/ shipping it was 230.99 I think they have a 150 for like 79.99 maybe a little more I could be wrong. But your plants are looking really good.


Well-Known Member
my grow room is about 2.5 ft wide, 9 ft high, 9 ft long... it is a weird design. it is more of a nook in the wall of my studio that has sliding doors that go infront of it... my landlord calls this a closet.... what i was curious is why you are against triple stacking? THe double stack honestly did not work out that bad for me... Now i ams crewed because I cant go to a bigger container but at the time I didnt see the problem of just triple stacking since HEIGHT is not an issue but WIDTH is... weird how that works


Well-Known Member
i just bought a 250watt hps built in ballast, off craigslist for 70$ from some older hippie who told me good luck with ur tomatoes!
Haha, subliminal messages :blsmoke:. Try growing some, I got tomatoes, peppers, thyme, cilantro, and oregano going right now too, I love the fresh herbs as I'm a chef and I love organic products, best flavors.

That 250w will be good, more than likely looking at 30,000 lumens at a minimum. Good luck mate, let us know if you need anything

KC :leaf:

edit: now that I see the other post, if you're intending on filling the whole room, you're going to need additional lighting for that much coverage. A 250w will cover a 3'x3' room at max and even then your outer regions aren't fully illuminated.


Well-Known Member
Ya I had the same problem with my last closet grow. I could fit all the plants I wanted to with the long row but only the middle 3-4 looked really good. And talk about a motherfucker to rotate 8 big plants to get equal light lol.