Triporium - New youtube channel


Well-Known Member
I wish, I have yet had the opportunity to smoke dmt :(

Im actually buying the bark tomorrow :] soon extraction!


Well-Known Member
Thanks darth and kind :]

I really want to blast off this rock, I have been hearing about dmt for a few years now.. practically think about it everyday and I haven't even tried it lol
Hopefully everything goes good >.<


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me.....when I first heard of it I always wanted to try it then about 3 or 4 years later a bud of mine said he brought some to this party I was at. Needless to say immediately I told him money was not an object I would pay out the ass for what ever amount he had. Bam ha got about 2 crazy ass trips from him. Entity contact the first time I blasted off. Like the saying goes all good things to those who wait. Of course there are other means as well....(Happy face). Which is what I took into account when I found out how truly awesome this shit really was. Good luck to you Karma and Dath.


Well-Known Member
haha nope, I plan to, but i really wanna experince the aya in peru first... so i get the full experince, then i think i'll give extracted dmt a try...
I would really like to try that as well. Doesnt it make you feel pretty bad though and last alot longer bc of the maoi that occur naturally in the bark?


Well-Known Member
good idea karmapuff. this youtube channels gonna rule. and i havent chillaxed with Dimitri yet either. is there something wrong with me? haha