Tripping themes


Well-Known Member
Well I must admit there were other reasons, but that trip was the deciding factor, nail in the coffin if you will. You gotta listen to the universe maaaaaaaan


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of times I trip and then realize something about what is going on while I'm not tripping or I figure something out, or I get mushroom spores mailed to me while my real life is in a shambles. Times like those I can't help but look at the sky and say thank you. I don't know who I'm thanking in particular but I know they know that I am appreciative.
That trip with the Al+LSD made me aware that there are different levels of consciousness. I have my own island of consciousness which interacts with everyone else's island of consciousness, and in turn all of us, whether we are aware or not, share our personal knowledge to a higher consciousness, in my trip that was represented by the flying things. They are able to discern distinct needs.
Ie unconsciously I was aware that I needed something more to help me with what's going on in my life. I never once said to anyone anything about it. Yet somehow a couple people on here distinctly knew that I was in need, and now I have a solution in hand that will be able to help me out. I didn't say anything, I didn't ask. Until one day I realized exactly how and why I have what I do now, and it was like... How did THEY know? The only thing I can think of is that I sent some kind of signal to the collective unconscious and got a response. It was amazing. When I had that realization, I felt like I was tripping sober. Like all the synchronicities of tripping were showing themselves to me while sober.


That happens to me sometimes. My thought patterns have also changed a lot, though, which helps it along. But I definitely have had some daaaammmn trippy realizations and thoughts sober.