Trippy Stix outdoor guerilla 2013

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Hello all and welcome to my first northeast outdoor guerilla. After 4-5 months of endless reading and learning and working at my buddies outdoor op together(<--) I'm ready to put my knowledge to the test and run 30 total, 17 from bean & 13 clones so I sure will be busy this season, all top notch strains that will be discussed below. Most of the work is already done, all holes+pots dug and filled with ffOF+sunshine#4 and ffHP+promixBX limed and perlited (was a BITCH hauling to these spots) and recently transported all of the fencing to the spots.. doing 5 very secluded locations with excellent water sources nearby being a freshwater stream or 50gal totes with the top cut off and replaced with screen to collect rainwater throughout season. spotA- 3 20gal smart pots spotB-3 20gal smart pots spotC- 6 15-20gal holes dug spotD- 5 15-20gal holes dug spotE- 13 clones from a selected mom(will be determined which later). As of 5/6/13 all of the beans have been vegging indoor for a few weeks along with a girl that's been vegging for 3 months already inside that will be put out in the 20gal, hoping to get a monster off that one.. Will start hardening off all of the ladies starting 5/9/13 and planning to put them all out in their permanent homes 5/12/13 and harvest around mid-Oct. My current veg box is getting over-filled with ladies so I need to get em out asap:eyesmoke: the next week outdoor sunlight should be reading 14hr15min while the ladies have been vegged down at 16/8 to minimize shock and prevent early flowering. I take on my workload and motivation by one phrase ... "do what you can, where you can, when you can, & how you can." the strains for my first outdoor guerilla op are as follows; 8 Nirvana Ice, 5 Barney's Red Cherry Berry, 2 Barney's LSD(monster), 1 Blue Dream, 1 OG Kush, (not sure which mom to shave for the clones yet) & planning to trim moms early June and get the clones out shortly after that. veg box LSD guerilla wonderland discovered(clone spot)


Virtually Unknown Member
Dang, you've been a busy motherfucker!! That's a shit load of work. Great Luck on the project! My area is OK to put out at May end, but forecast is for low of only 45 for the next 2 weeks so I may go early.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Thank you both, I've only learned through most things you get what you put into it ! as for here the outdoor temps range from 70s-low50s so I'm in the clear, also had my veg-box drop down to 68f to mediate shock when going out.


Well-Known Member
really nice, rep to you for doing your home work ;)

and best of luck with the LSD ;) I love em


Trippy Stix

Active Member
Update: 5/9/13_ 18 of the girls put out today hardening off. they grow up so fast :eyesmoke: whole house was starting to smell ...
That's. a great spot mate , I'm taking my little super skunk clones to my spot within the next couple of days. Look forward to reading the rest of your post.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Hopefully! only bad thing coming in the next few days is heavy rain, and with them being in that box they could get flooded.. so I put them ontop of wood planks inside of it to hold off from a little bit of rain if it happens while I sleep.. but If it get's too out of hand i'll be covering it which would still allow for the light to come in through the sides with it being clear. I finished up mixing and tilling up the 13 holes at my clone spot today with a crowbar (only thing I could transport out at the time, but I love hard work).. mixed the holes with some organic plant food, earthworm castings, jamaican bat guano, lime+perlite their ready for the clones any time now so the holes can ripen up meanwhile. I made up my mind and will be taking the 13 clones from the big LSD mother once it get's big enough(should be around early June)

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Update 5/12/13_ The ladies have been moved out to their final resting spots :eyesmoke: much stress relieved.. spot 3- the LSD along with a RCB & Ice spot 2- 6 others being OG, BD, 2 Ice & 2 RCB (2 not in pic) spot 3- being 2 Ice & RCB & last spot my favorite.RCB,LSD, 3 Ice all in big boy holes :eyesmoke: #2 smaller LSD


Well-Known Member
Looks like your off to a great start do you have water close by?
im thinking that is going to be a big pain in the ass for a couple 20 plant plots I'm putting together ha.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Yes water is covered with either nearby runoff streams or a few 50gal totes with top cut off and replaced with screen to collect rain water. went out and mixed in plenty of water storing crystals at all the spots so we'll see how they do :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yes water is covered with either nearby runoff streams or a few 50gal totes with top cut off and replaced with screen to collect rain water. went out and mixed in plenty of water storing crystals at all the spots so we'll see how they do :eyesmoke:
I too am using the water crystals this yr but seems I mixed a bit to much in a few of my plants and they looking over watered... I know to use a lot less when I transplant to their final homes. did u haul the fencing in as one piece?

Trippy Stix

Active Member
It says to use 2 tbsp. per 5 gallon pot so I added 8tbsp to my 20gal smarties and about 5 tbsp. to the holes because the ground will hold moisture best anyway. & the fencing was all hauled in one trip, I just tightly rolled them all together in one roll and put the roll in a 5gal bucket so it didn't look as suspect carrying fence out in the woods and I hugged the stream going down to the spot making it look like I was catching minnows or some shit if anyone were to see (no1 did)
Easy one of the best guerrilla spots ive ever seen! If everything runs along nicely your gonna be yielding pounds of buds. What nutes and medium are you using? looking to do a guerrilla grow myself this year.

Best of luck to you, Looking forward to seeing how this turns out :-)

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I have similar grow sites. I'm fairly certain that on at least one of your sites the surrounding flora is blackberry canes. You may have to do some selective pruning of this stuff as it can get 6-8' tall and compete with your plants for light, water etc. The good thing is blackberries typically grow in very rich soils so this is a good indicator for a productive spot. As you visit your sites, be sure to spray yourself down with some kind of anti-tick/chigger spray or lotion. Blackberry canes are famous for being a ideal habitat for these little critters and it could save you weeks of scratching and itching. Also look out for old " Mr. Low-shoulders". Very woolly looking area so watch your step for copperheads and cotton mouths.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
7/11 here's an update on a few. anyone know what the purple shit ruining the nodes is? ..:/ first time I've sprayed that spot with organocide.. don't see the problem at all at other spots. foliar brew a few days ago