Trouble dialing in aero cloner


Well-Known Member
I am ready to pull my hair out because of clones! I have a power cloner48 with a water chiller, and I have been using well water with rapid start. I flush my chiller/cloner with pool shock inbetween runs then clean it. I set my water temp at 77F and it stays between 75-78F with my chiller... I am stumped.? When I bought the cloner, it came with samples of power clone/aqua shield, I had 95% success. I have some on order... If this does not work, I am going to have to change something.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the spray nozzles aren't gunked up. If it's not spraying good you won't have good success rates. Also are you using rooting hormone when you take cuttings?


Well-Known Member
Im gonna say that your pool shock isnt cutting it for cleaning. As long as your temp is stable and you dont have excess air movement or light you should be pulling roots in 6-9 days in aero. Its gonna sound strange but put like 1ml of plain bleach in with your well water. Cant have bacteria and crap growing at all and a tiny amount of bleach will fix that. Kinda like people cloning in just a cup of tap water. They willvtell you the water has to be changed often because the chlorine evaporated and stopped controlling bacteria growth


Well-Known Member
I did forget to turn on the chiller for 8hrs when I was checking ph. The temp jumped to 88F and the water started to smell... Also, I have a massive T5 12'' above them. I normally use it for veg... I did notice that 5-6 have rooted and a lot of the rest are slime, its day 12-13... Does power clone/aqua shield protect against slime?
As far as rooting compound, I used a jar of water with rapid start. It was all I had at the time. I am ready to try new products!


Well-Known Member
Heavy chemicals are the way to go for cleaning. Bleach, Acid's, etc. If it can melt a body, it can clean a res. :) lol


Well-Known Member
Maybe try using some strong ISO-Alcohol, I dropped leaf into a QWISO batch, and it was dissolved quick as FUCK. If it can DISSOLVE a leaf, I know that shit can clean.