Trouble setting up irrigation(dry spots), drippers/dtw


Active Member
Whats up RU,

Okay, here is an issue.

I got about 20 plants that I just recently setup on an irrigation system. 1 line per a pot, with a 450gph pump set 7-8 feet way. in a 121L res. The supposed drippers form somewhat of a weak faucet/half a rainbow pouring down on one side and structured to run down the rest of the water down the middle. Now I have the pump set up on a T splitter that connects to the hoses, and each hose has 10 lines that run to the pot.


1) Plants at the back seem to not get enough water coming out the lines as the ones nearer to the res.
2) Pots are not soaking completely,
3) Water just runs straight down in some pots.

How can I solve these issues?
Thoughts in mind:

1) Slow the pump a little and have a slower flow, that way it gives it a chance to saturate properly instead of just running through?(would this effect the plants in the back greater though?)
2) add more drippers to each 3gallon pot?
3) add more drippers to each 3gallon pot and add another pump?

Suggestions more than appreciated! I want to get this fixed!

Thanks guys!