trouble with co2...first time user


Active Member
Hello everyone.... Im using a green air cd-3 co2 generator for the first time. I have a 4x4x6 closet, with an air-cooled 1000 watt metal halide, an AC unit attached, and the generator hanging from the cieling... The problem is, when we finally started using the generator (it took awhile to arrive), the plants started drooping.... At first i thought it was the heat, so we installed the AC, but now that the ac is on and running, i think its the co2

I know that too much c02 can be as bad as too little... I know its a really small room, but we only have the generator on for 15 minuets an hour (the smallest increments on the timer)...

What should i do? Is the problem too much co2? In that case, im guessing the smartest thing to do is reduce it to like 15 minets every hour and a half to maybe two hours? any other ideas?

Thanks everyone
I do not believe it is the co2, I would look into other possibilities, like over watering, or nutes. Do you have any pictures? It is very hard to give mj plants too much co2, you'll kill yourself long before you hurt the plants.
Hello everyone.... Im using a green air cd-3 co2 generator for the first time. I have a 4x4x6 closet, with an air-cooled 1000 watt metal halide, an AC unit attached, and the generator hanging from the cieling... The problem is, when we finally started using the generator (it took awhile to arrive), the plants started drooping.... At first i thought it was the heat, so we installed the AC, but now that the ac is on and running, i think its the co2

Need more information.

When did they start drooping? What's the air temperatures? What's the humidity? Hows the 1000w HID being cooled? Does it have a glass sealing panel? How often are you watering? What nutrients are you using in what doseages? How old are the plants? What venting system are you using?

It sounds to me like it could be a couple of things.

1) Not enough water. Plants use more water with co2 enrichment than they do without it, so if your watering schedule didn't change from installing the c02 system, it could be a lack of water.

2) It could be too much water being retained by the plants due to increased humidity and insufficient venting out of the stale used co2 air. Co2 causes the stomata (the plants system of regulating water transpiration) to partially close, if it's not transpiring so much water due to the humidity being high due to a drop in temperature from the AC cooling and insufficient venting out of this humid and stale air the plant cannot transpire as much water as its intaking.
The time that you have the CO2 being released should be based on the cubic feet of the area, and the setting of the regulator.

Buy a digital timer for 20 bux, and set it to the correct number of minutes each hour.

HTH :mrgreen: