Troy police bust several marijuana grow operations

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Remember kidz the first rule of marijuana growing in Michigan is:
(other states are quite different....the patients made the rules)

#1-dont tell or show anyone

The second rule is:
#2-dont tell or show anyone

Guess what number 3rule is....?
#3-->U guessed it!

You could always advertise on RIU tho-
Its safe!:p

Acting on a ""tip"", Troy police said they found......

Troy police bust several marijuana grow operations


Acting on a tip, Troy police said they found a 'grow-up' :lol::lol::lol: in the 1000 block of Scottsdale that <met state law for the Michigan Marijuana Act>BUT< had >>numerous violations of local building codes involving electrical, mechanical and building modifications. (Troy police)

(...get ready CGs for building code inspections once dispensaries and the new electronic registry come online)

Troy — Police said Friday they are investigating a number of marijuana grow operations in the city that are suspected of violating either state or local laws.

Acting on a tip, police found a "grow-op" in the 1000 block of Scottsdale that met state law for the Michigan Marijuana Act but had >>numerous violations of >>>local building codes<<<involving electrical, mechanical and building modifications. Due to concerns the building's electric and natural gas power was shutdown, police said in a release Friday.

So far in July, two more grow-ops have been uncovered, police said.

During the investigation of a roof fire in the 1000 block of East Square Lake Road, fire officials found faulty wiring at the residence along with indications of a marijuana grow-op with 68 marijuana plants in the basement and 31 grams of dried marijuana, slightly more than an ounce. The number of plants exceeded that which would have been permitted for a marijuana caregiver under state law. There were three separate air conditioners attached to the house where windows had been covered up, police said.

In the 3000 block of John R, Troy officers acted on another tip and found an address with "multiple air conditioning units, boarded up windows and a strong, pungent odor of marijuana wafting from the residence. "

The resident >>>produced what >>>he said was paperwork from >>>the state to grow marijuana ( (::lol::lol:)but investigators determine it was improper and non-compliant with the marijuana act. Police seized 48 large marijuana plants and 796 grams of marijuana along with associated grow equipment. There were also multiple >>building code violations.

The violations come as residents in several other communities will be asked to consider local ordinances permitting people 21 years old or older to possess or >>TRANSFER<<up to one ounce of marijuana on private property.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:VOTE!! (and fuck lawyers!!)

Ferndale voters have already approved such an ordinance and similar questions will be put to voters in Hazel Park, Huntington Woods and Oak Park between now and November. Voters in Pleasant Ridge will be asked to make marijuana possession a low priority for law enforcement in that city.

From The Detroit News:
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How fucking stupid are people? You get granted a RIGHT which hundreds of thousand other people WISH they had and you go and pull a stupid stunt like this. Fucking dumbasses !!!!!
How fucking stupid are people? You get granted a RIGHT which hundreds of thousand other people WISH they had and you go and pull a stupid stunt like this. Fucking dumbasses !!!!!

Not really.......the majority here do the same thing.....

We have no 'rights' per say.....unless your in the >right< place

The law here in michigan is designed intentionally so that as soon as you do it you are illegal--

2.5 oz plants are ALL you can grows 2.5oz plants?

'Our' law here was designed by lawyers..
(for 'their' benefit--$$$--not ours)
....'after' they bargained away our rights and told most protestors to 'stand down' on protests

[we are their ca$h cow]

If you want grow rights here in Michigan you have to pay lawyers to get them
.....if you are uncovered

Unless you are a dispensary vying for distribution rights-
Then you have limitless options...deep pockets.....and big balls!!

But here its all about location....location....location-

If your in the right 'location' you have nothing to fear-
(A2 --flint--dtroit)

-if your NOT in the right 'location' fear is a way of life
(The rest of the state)

(Unless you follow the mj growers golden rules..c above^^)

Most get away.....some get found out-:eyesmoke:

'Troy' is NOT a good location......its a republican stronghold and the seat of republican politics here in Michigan
....oakland of the most corrupt PD in the whole state

We ARE....tho......having a 'high times' cannabis cup here in our version of the emerald triangle part of the state......hundreds should be in attendance!!:clap::clap::clap:[thousands??]

--im going with a friend to watch the 'movie' and play 'spot the FEDS' game-
-whoever points out the most FEDS the other guy has to smoke him out-
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How does the government get around the presumption of innocence demanded/granted in Section 4 ("Protections for Medical use of Marijuhana") of our law while using the same probable cause accusations/tactics directed at the illicit drug trade as they have for decades? Whom enforces these clear violations of law by these government officials still profiting by treating MJ as a Schedule I Controlled Substance and patients as criminals :confused: What authority/jurisdiction does this criminal justice system have to inspect for state licensing requirements under the threat of criminal Schedule I prosecution, not to mention the use of force S.W.A.T teams bring :eyesmoke:

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I wont even go into Oakland County with medicine. Too many horror stories.


Can you believe the voters there voted almost 3-1 there for the mmj law......!!??

--yet they >CANT< seem to band together and vote out a nazi police force.......?

I sure hope they elect that royal oak guy whos been busted for a county send a LOUD message--by a landslide

Andrew Robert Cissell of Oak Park is a 26-year-old licensed caregiver and user of medical marijuana who is working to get marijuana decriminalized in several Oakland County communities.

“I think we need some real change,” Cissell said. “I think I represent that.”

To raise more money for roads, Cissell said he would increase the tax on the price of gas per gallon, hike the diesel tax to make it equal to smaller vehicles and raise auto registration fees.

Cissell is facing trial later this month in Oakland Circuit Court on five felony counts of manufacturing and delivery of marijuana.

He contends two of the alleged crimes occurred in Wayne County, not Oakland County, and the remaining charges related to the seizure of marijuana from his home should be dropped because he can legally possess marijuana.

Im sure hes being railroaded for political reasons.....
--like a joe cain

From The Detroit News:

There is a nice 'underground' group there (MOCC) that keeps it quiet and does a good FMarket.....well......kinda-

But NO 'grass roots' [pun] activism from them......too scared(?) ....might lose their 'grow rights' (lol) if they try

Yea i wont even buy gas in oakland county cuz of that fat ass brooks patterson......nazi facist republican--

And as much as they try to push real estate in oakland co its NOT a good place to live..(nazi cops)...the realtors dont get it-

Until the 63% in oakland co band together and actually DO something up there to make a political change..........
(long overdue!! imo)
--i too stay far the fuck away from that place!

Hell i drive all the way AROUND on 8mile if im traveling near there.....haha

Detroits gangster paradise attitude is easier to deal w-:blsmoke:
Not to mention the 4th and 6th amendment, it's disgusting.
How does the government get around the presumption of innocence demanded/granted in Section 4 ("Protections for Medical use of Marijuhana") of our law while using the same probable cause accusations/tactics directed at the illicit drug trade as they have for decades? Whom enforces these clear violations of law by these government officials still profiting by treating MJ as a Schedule I Controlled Substance and patients as criminals :confused: What authority/jurisdiction does this criminal justice system have to inspect for state licensing requirements under the threat of criminal Schedule I prosecution, not to mention the use of force S.W.A.T teams bring :eyesmoke:

I went through some building inspection issues in the winter. Inspector said he was going to notify the police as to what I was doing after getting the place fully up to code after his first visit. I said go for it, being 100% in compliance with the law (under plant count and legal amount)., and in an area with limited law enforcement resources. Well its now been 9 months and the cops still haven't come through either he was blowing smoke or the cops don't give two shits. I mean I had everything in separate tents and documented with everyone's paperwork on each individual tent and the basement door had a lock on it so i don't even know what he was trying to prove. I think he was just banking on doing some tax collecting that visit, assuming I wouldn't get everything up to code in the
two week time frame.

I never would have said that in Oakland County! I would have been packing it up and possibly changing my identity lmao
This is why I'm probably just moving to Wayne County.

Allen and Lincoln Park are the only two towns in Wayne county where I hear they may give you trouble, but I have also heard that both departments are corrupt as fuck too and are shakedown artists. I work at one of the busiest hydro stores in Wayne county and only know two customers that got raided and both were way over their plant count, and were trashy looking dudes.