Trump hires a drunk


Well-Known Member
Trump sure can pick 'em
The new White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, has been arrested twice for DUI
I can forgive one pop for driving drunk, but two in 4 years?
Plus, her penalty on the 2nd was only to attend AA meetings (nice :) ), no suspension.
She shouldn't be behind the podium, she should be in rehab.
Where the fuck does he find these people?
He lured her into his office and got her drunk. He took off his shirt and started dancing for her. Her head started to spin and she felt nauseous. He told her Her wouldn’t stop until she promised to take the job and she signed the contract. One of his sick divisive hiring practices.
Winston Churchill had 2/3 sized bottles of Dom Perignon made specifically for his lunch.

Not to mention other alcohol consumers like Hemingway, Van Gogh and oh yeah, the guy that won the civil war... Ulysses S. Grant

Why on earth you people think a political leader's abilities should be judged by their alcohol consumption i have no idea. But here we are.

The left eating its own tail yet again.
Winston Churchill had 2/3 sized bottles of Dom Perignon made specifically for his lunch.

Not to mention Hemingway, Van Gogh and oh yeah, the guy that eone the civil war... Ulysses S. Grant

Why on earth you people think a political leader's abilities should be judged by their alcohol consumption i have no idea. But here we are.

The left eating its own tail yet again.
You’re fucking retarded
Winston Churchill had 2/3 sized bottles of Dom Perignon made specifically for his lunch.

Not to mention other alcohol consumers like Hemingway, Van Gogh and oh yeah, the guy that won the civil war... Ulysses S. Grant

Why on earth you people think a political leader's abilities should be judged by their alcohol consumption i have no idea. But here we are.

The left eating its own tail yet again.
Also too,

Churchill wasn't arrested twice in four years for driving drunk.
Winston Churchill had 2/3 sized bottles of Dom Perignon made specifically for his lunch.

Not to mention other alcohol consumers like Hemingway, Van Gogh and oh yeah, the guy that won the civil war... Ulysses S. Grant

Why on earth you people think a political leader's abilities should be judged by their alcohol consumption i have no idea. But here we are.

The left eating its own tail yet again.

Hemingway and Van Gogh both killed themselves
A plastic must be proud lol

You really are off-the-hook stupid.

That's composite decking. It cost about 4 times the amount of pressure treated ground contact decking, is made mostly from recycled materials and last virtually forever.

It's what everybody should be using, but few can afford to.

It's clear from the picture he used GC Lumber for the joist, framing and pillars and decked it with composite.

It's a first rate job. But then again, you're an idiot, don't own a home and have no idea what you're talking about, so it's not surprising you don't realize how stupid the comment you just made is.
That composite decking is nice, only thing is, it holds heat. Definitely not going to walk barefoot on a composite deck that's been sitting in the sun for a couple hours.

Years ago I built a raised floor dog kennel behind my garage with composite decking, it was expensive, but it was super easy to clean. I would scrub it down with some mild bleach water and then spray it off with the garden hose, would look like brand new again, never smelled like dog piss.