Trump is scaling back his grueling schedule...

greg nr

Well-Known Member
From about 4 hours a day to 2-3. Not including lunch. Or golf.

Maybe things will improve if he works less?

President Donald Trump is starting work later and ending the day earlier in 2018, according to internal White House documents obtained by Jonathan Swan of

Trump is postponing the beginning of his work day until 11 a.m., taking fewer meetings and and demanding more “executive time” in which he is unscheduled for official duties. Even close White House officials admit, Swan said, that this means the president will be watching TV and using Twitter “alone in the residence.”

“The schedule says Trump has ‘Executive Time’ in the Oval Office every day from 8am to 11am,” wrote Swan, “but the reality is he spends that time in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting. Trump comes down for his first meeting of the day, which is often an intelligence briefing, at 11am.”

By contrast, President Barack Obama typically took in an early morning workout, then arrived in the Oval Office between 8:30 and 9 a.m. and worked well into the evening hours. President George W. Bush arrived in the Oval Office even earlier, at 6:45 each morning.

Trump typically ends his day around 6 p.m. and retreats to the residence, where he and First Lady Melania Trump maintain separate quarters and can go days without seeing each other.

After 6, Trump eats dinner and makes phone calls, watching TV and occasionally firing off tweets in response to things he sees on one of his three TV screens.

This Tuesday, Swan reported, Trump has his first item of the day at 11 a.m., a meeting with White House chief of staff John Kelly. Then he takes an hour lunch and a subsequent hour and 15 minutes of “Executive Time,” then a 45-minute meeting with national security adviser H. R. McMaster, followed by more Executive Time and a short meeting with the work day ending in the afternoon at 4:15.

On Wednesday, the president has one meeting, one briefing, a video chat with Hope Hicks and the day ends at 4. Thursday is virtually unscheduled with an 11 a.m. “Policy Time” briefing and Executive Time for the rest of the very short day.

Trump has spent nearly a third of his time since Inauguration Day playing golf. A vast number of federal positions are still left unfilled nearly a year into Trump’s presidency.

Aides insist that the president is always busy, but Swan noted that the bulk of that time appears to be “unstructured and undisciplined.”

“He’s calling people, watching TV, tweeting, and generally taking the same loose, improvisational approach to being president that he took to running the Trump Organization for so many years,” wrote Swan. “Old habits die hard.”​
From about 4 hours a day to 2-3. Not including lunch. Or golf.

Maybe things will improve if he works less?

President Donald Trump is starting work later and ending the day earlier in 2018, according to internal White House documents obtained by Jonathan Swan of

Trump is postponing the beginning of his work day until 11 a.m., taking fewer meetings and and demanding more “executive time” in which he is unscheduled for official duties. Even close White House officials admit, Swan said, that this means the president will be watching TV and using Twitter “alone in the residence.”

“The schedule says Trump has ‘Executive Time’ in the Oval Office every day from 8am to 11am,” wrote Swan, “but the reality is he spends that time in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting. Trump comes down for his first meeting of the day, which is often an intelligence briefing, at 11am.”

By contrast, President Barack Obama typically took in an early morning workout, then arrived in the Oval Office between 8:30 and 9 a.m. and worked well into the evening hours. President George W. Bush arrived in the Oval Office even earlier, at 6:45 each morning.

Trump typically ends his day around 6 p.m. and retreats to the residence, where he and First Lady Melania Trump maintain separate quarters and can go days without seeing each other.

After 6, Trump eats dinner and makes phone calls, watching TV and occasionally firing off tweets in response to things he sees on one of his three TV screens.

This Tuesday, Swan reported, Trump has his first item of the day at 11 a.m., a meeting with White House chief of staff John Kelly. Then he takes an hour lunch and a subsequent hour and 15 minutes of “Executive Time,” then a 45-minute meeting with national security adviser H. R. McMaster, followed by more Executive Time and a short meeting with the work day ending in the afternoon at 4:15.

On Wednesday, the president has one meeting, one briefing, a video chat with Hope Hicks and the day ends at 4. Thursday is virtually unscheduled with an 11 a.m. “Policy Time” briefing and Executive Time for the rest of the very short day.

Trump has spent nearly a third of his time since Inauguration Day playing golf. A vast number of federal positions are still left unfilled nearly a year into Trump’s presidency.

Aides insist that the president is always busy, but Swan noted that the bulk of that time appears to be “unstructured and undisciplined.”

“He’s calling people, watching TV, tweeting, and generally taking the same loose, improvisational approach to being president that he took to running the Trump Organization for so many years,” wrote Swan. “Old habits die hard.”​
"Even close White House officials " = liberal facts. ya'll are just fucking dumb people.


Insider: Donald Trump is in even deeper decline behind the scenes than we thought

For months it’s been publicly apparent that Donald Trump’s physical health and cognitive abilities have been in deep decline. Does he have Alzheimer’s or dementia? Is his existing mental illness simply presenting as senility under the stress of a failing presidency and a worsening criminal scandal? Now we’re getting insider details which reveal that Trump is in even deeper decline than we thought – and no, this is not coming from the infamous new anti-Trump book.

Instead, it’s coming from Trump’s own internal daily schedule. There is the schedule that Trump’s handlers provide to the media, and then there is the real schedule that Trump actually follows each day. Someone from respected political news site Axios has gotten a look at Trump’s private schedule, and it turns out he basically no longer does anything, even on the days when he’s in the White House (link). This isn’t merely Trump’s usual laziness. This is something else, and it’s rapidly getting worse.

The schedule reveals that Trump no longer starts his day in the Oval Office until 11am. He’s only down there for around seven hours, and he spends them doing little. The first hour is a “meeting” with John Kelly, which is almost surely dominated by Kelly. Trump’s next hour is spent on lunch. The afternoon is largely blocked out generically for “Executive Time” which means he’s not really doing anything during that time either. The key detail here: even by Trump’s lazy standards, this a major reduction in the amount of time, and the amount of actual work, that Trump is now spending on the job in comparison to earlier in his presidency.

Not only does Axios say that Donald Trump’s “workday” ends by 6pm, his staffers are quoted in Michael Wolff’s book as saying that he’s typically in bed by 6:30pm. Trump is now so deeply in decline that he only spends around seven hours per day out of bed to begin with, and even those seven hours are largely spent just sitting there at his desk while others hold meetings in his presence. In other words, is in the process of becoming an invalid.
I'm still waiting on my check from Soros. So what's it like hiding behind a sock on a forum you already got ran off from? Are you this much of a coward in real life?
How am I hiding? my name is wordz, wordzofwordzcraft, jimmyrustles, crocodilestunter, wordzferguson, turdz, wormz, trunclebuckles, dopepeddler420, big__lou and many more that I've forgotten. I've been here for over a decade.
You first have to apply for your free obama cell phone. Then you call the secretly stored phone number (#pizzagates) and whisper the secret passphrase ("obama is kenyan"). Then you give them your credit card number and they will send you your check, minus shipping and handling.

It's all in the dirty hippy handbook.
I knew I had the password wrong