Trump just got fkd by his lawyer


Well-Known Member
It seems the former chief lawyer for the Federal Election Commission said that Michael Cohen’s public statement confirming that he “facilitated” a $130,000 payment to a porn star in the closing weeks of the 2016 election may have been a “colossal screwup” that raises the chances that the agency could launch a formal investigation.

In the Friday episode of “Skullduggery,” a Yahoo News podcast, Lawrence Noble, who served for 13 years as the FEC’s general counsel, said Cohen’s statement could “ramp up” pressure on the agency to act — especially if the porn star confirms that the payoff was directly linked to her keeping quiet during the election campaign about her alleged past relationship with President Trump.

“If she comes out and says, ‘They came to me and they said look, the election is in a couple of weeks, and we need you to be quiet before the election, and we don’t want this coming out, then I think the Trump campaign has a real problem,” said Noble, who now serves as chief counsel for the Campaign Legal Center, a watchdog group. “I think they have to be very nervous about that.”

That scenario could well be the case, according to a close friend of Daniels who told Yahoo News about his conversations with her. The porn star’s manager has said that Cohen’s public confirmation of the October 2016 payoff gives her ground to scrap a nondisclosure agreement she signed at the time and speak out publicly.

According to Daniels’s friend, who asked not to be publicly identified because of the potential impact on his business, there was never any question that the purpose of the payment was to buy her silence during the campaign.

“That’s exactly why that transaction took place,” said the friend, who discussed the matter on multiple occasions with Daniels at the time. “She was talking to ‘Good Morning America,’ she was talking to the media — and they paid her to keep her quiet. This was October and November.”

Noble, said Cohen’s statement about the matter was inexplicable. :)

Common Cause, citing media reports, has filed a formal complaint with the FEC against the Trump campaign and the Trump Organization, arguing that the payment to Daniels needed to be investigated as a potential violation of federal election law because it was not publicly reported and was far in excess of the $2,700 limit on individual contributions during a campaign.

But neither Daniels nor the Trump organization had publicly confirmed there was any such payment — until Cohen, the president’s longtime personal lawyer (dumb fuck?) issued his statement this week. The statement purported to summarize his lawyer’s formal response to the Common Cause complaint that was submitted to the FEC.

Cohen’s carefully worded statement said: “I used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.”

But Cohen’s statement admitted only that he used his personal funds for facilitating the payment, not the payment itself. The facilitation, Noble said, could simply have been the cost of setting up a Delaware Limited Liability Corporation through which, according to the Wall Street Journal, the payment was made.

What is striking, according to Noble, is that Cohen said anything publicly at all because he was under no obligation to do so.

“Why he went public I don’t know.” Noble said. “If I was his lawyer, I would have told him, ‘Don’t do this.’’

He added at another point: “This may have been a colossal screw up on his part.” :)

But if Cohen’s statement prompts Daniels to speak out publicly and dispute his account, then the agency may have no choice then to act. :)

“I’ve been practicing campaign finance law for 40 years and I never expected to be talking about a president, his lawyer and a porn star,” Noble said on “Skullduggery.” “I don’t remember another case where we had a porn star as a witness.”

This is sooo cool, in the sense that Trump is getting fucked, left, right and center.

1st by Mueller, then his former associates, and now by his long term attorney.

It seems the only one not fucking him at this point is his wife. :)
Rachel Maddow had a current member of the FEC on last night.

She couldn't talk about this issue specifically, but given generic questions it was clear that this would be a violation of the law.

However, the FEC is toothless. It is a 6 member board, and a majority vote is required to reach a decision. Nearly all votes are 3-3.

So while technically illegal, it will never be referred for prosecution. Unless of course other laws were also broken, or if one of the republicans actually gives a shit and votes to refer it.
It seems the former chief lawyer for the Federal Election Commission said that Michael Cohen’s public statement confirming that he “facilitated” a $130,000 payment to a porn star in the closing weeks of the 2016 election may have been a “colossal screwup” that raises the chances that the agency could launch a formal investigation.

In the Friday episode of “Skullduggery,” a Yahoo News podcast, Lawrence Noble, who served for 13 years as the FEC’s general counsel, said Cohen’s statement could “ramp up” pressure on the agency to act — especially if the porn star confirms that the payoff was directly linked to her keeping quiet during the election campaign about her alleged past relationship with President Trump.

“If she comes out and says, ‘They came to me and they said look, the election is in a couple of weeks, and we need you to be quiet before the election, and we don’t want this coming out, then I think the Trump campaign has a real problem,” said Noble, who now serves as chief counsel for the Campaign Legal Center, a watchdog group. “I think they have to be very nervous about that.”

That scenario could well be the case, according to a close friend of Daniels who told Yahoo News about his conversations with her. The porn star’s manager has said that Cohen’s public confirmation of the October 2016 payoff gives her ground to scrap a nondisclosure agreement she signed at the time and speak out publicly.

According to Daniels’s friend, who asked not to be publicly identified because of the potential impact on his business, there was never any question that the purpose of the payment was to buy her silence during the campaign.

“That’s exactly why that transaction took place,” said the friend, who discussed the matter on multiple occasions with Daniels at the time. “She was talking to ‘Good Morning America,’ she was talking to the media — and they paid her to keep her quiet. This was October and November.”

Noble, said Cohen’s statement about the matter was inexplicable. :)

Common Cause, citing media reports, has filed a formal complaint with the FEC against the Trump campaign and the Trump Organization, arguing that the payment to Daniels needed to be investigated as a potential violation of federal election law because it was not publicly reported and was far in excess of the $2,700 limit on individual contributions during a campaign.

But neither Daniels nor the Trump organization had publicly confirmed there was any such payment — until Cohen, the president’s longtime personal lawyer (dumb fuck?) issued his statement this week. The statement purported to summarize his lawyer’s formal response to the Common Cause complaint that was submitted to the FEC.

Cohen’s carefully worded statement said: “I used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.”

But Cohen’s statement admitted only that he used his personal funds for facilitating the payment, not the payment itself. The facilitation, Noble said, could simply have been the cost of setting up a Delaware Limited Liability Corporation through which, according to the Wall Street Journal, the payment was made.

What is striking, according to Noble, is that Cohen said anything publicly at all because he was under no obligation to do so.

“Why he went public I don’t know.” Noble said. “If I was his lawyer, I would have told him, ‘Don’t do this.’’

He added at another point: “This may have been a colossal screw up on his part.” :)

But if Cohen’s statement prompts Daniels to speak out publicly and dispute his account, then the agency may have no choice then to act. :)

“I’ve been practicing campaign finance law for 40 years and I never expected to be talking about a president, his lawyer and a porn star,” Noble said on “Skullduggery.” “I don’t remember another case where we had a porn star as a witness.”

This is sooo cool, in the sense that Trump is getting fucked, left, right and center.

1st by Mueller, then his former associates, and now by his long term attorney.

It seems the only one not fucking him at this point is his wife. :)

word play: facilitated
I forget which show it was last night, either rachel or odonnel, but they had a former IRS investigator on who laid out a case for tax fraud. The way this went down was cohen created a shell llc, and passed a check to cliffors attorney under a ficticious name (patty peterson or something like that).

So the crime would be that in order to make a payment of that size, he would be required by law to issue a 1099 to cliffords in her real name. If he didn't issue a 1099, or if it didn't have her real name and ss number on it, it would be a clear case of tax fraud. Even assuming cliffords declared it as income, cohen would still be guilty of violating serious sections of the tax code. Of course, if she didn't declare it, she is an idiot and will go to jail; but that is seperate from cohen's liability.

The government, especially since 911, does like large sums of money being passed around anonymously.
I forget which show it was last night, either rachel or odonnel, but they had a former IRS investigator on who laid out a case for tax fraud. The way this went down was cohen created a shell llc, and passed a check to cliffors attorney under a ficticious name (patty peterson or something like that).

So the crime would be that in order to make a payment of that size, he would be required by law to issue a 1099 to cliffords in her real name. If he didn't issue a 1099, or if it didn't have her real name and ss number on it, it would be a clear case of tax fraud. Even assuming cliffords declared it as income, cohen would still be guilty of violating serious sections of the tax code. Of course, if she didn't declare it, she is an idiot and will go to jail; but that is seperate from cohen's liability.

The government, especially since 911, does like large sums of money being passed around anonymously.

I'm baaack.

The IRS is not in the business of throwing people in jail, never have been, never will be. They are in the business of collecting money.

With this in mind, they have processes in place that make it possible to ammend your tax returns retroactively to include missed income for a few years, and most of the time they'll even waive the fines. Hell some politicians ammended their tax returns to change their residence so they are eligible for Congress. Happens all the time.....The interest is never waived, but if this is handled like most cases, this will be settled in an administrative setting with no criminal wrongdoing admitted by the taxpayer, and no formal charges will be pressed by the justice department.

It's not special treatment because it's Trump, that's just how they operate with every high profile tax payer.

As long as they get their cash, whatever....

Other countries secure at least some convictions as a way to shame the rich, in the USA the IRS doesn't even bother to do that.....
I'm baaack.

The IRS is not in the business of throwing people in jail, never have been, never will be. They are in the business of collecting money.

With this in mind, they have processes in place that make it possible to ammend your tax returns retroactively to include missed income for a few years, and most of the time they'll even waive the fines. Hell some politicians ammended their tax returns to change their residence so they are eligible for Congress. Happens all the time.....The interest is never waived, but if this is handled like most cases, this will be settled in an administrative setting with no criminal wrongdoing admitted by the taxpayer, and no formal charges will be pressed by the justice department.

It's not special treatment because it's Trump, that's just how they operate with every high profile tax payer.

As long as they get their cash, whatever....

Other countries secure at least some convictions as a way to shame the rich, in the USA the IRS doesn't even bother to do that.....

Tell that to al capone. Tax Fraud comes with real jail time when they want you to have it.
I'm baaack.

The IRS is not in the business of throwing people in jail, never have been, never will be. They are in the business of collecting money.

With this in mind, they have processes in place that make it possible to ammend your tax returns retroactively to include missed income for a few years, and most of the time they'll even waive the fines. Hell some politicians ammended their tax returns to change their residence so they are eligible for Congress. Happens all the time.....The interest is never waived, but if this is handled like most cases, this will be settled in an administrative setting with no criminal wrongdoing admitted by the taxpayer, and no formal charges will be pressed by the justice department.

It's not special treatment because it's Trump, that's just how they operate with every high profile tax payer.

As long as they get their cash, whatever....

Other countries secure at least some convictions as a way to shame the rich, in the USA the IRS doesn't even bother to do that.....
uh, yeah.

Thank you for telling us that wealthy people have better lawyers.

Can you imagine watching the divorce of don and melania on the news daily? What have we become? This buffoon is not only an embarassment to the US, hes an embarrassment to the species