Trump screws the Palestinians and the World at large.


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President Donald Trump on Wednesday recognized the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel's capital -- a historic decision that overturns decades of US policy and risks triggering a fresh spasm of violence in the Middle East.

"I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel," Trump said from the White House.

"It's the right thing to do."

The declaration calls into question seven decades of deliberate diplomatic ambiguity about the final status of a holy city vociferously claimed by both Israelis and Palestinians.

Trump also kicked off the process of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, making good on a campaign promise dear to evangelical Christian and right wing Jewish voters as well as major donors to his campaign (gee, I wonder who?)

Thee asshole in chief said his decision marked the start of a "new approach" to solving the thorny conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Trump's predecessors -- from Bill Clinton to George Bush -- made similar promises on the campaign trail, but quickly reneged upon taking office, amid the burden of war and peace.

This dick of a president, who came to office with no foreign policy experience and denouncing experts, was determined to show his arrival in Washington spells the end of business as usual.

"Many presidents have said they want to do something and they didn't do it," Trump said in the hours leading up to his historic address.

"Whether it's courage or they changed their mind, I can't tell you," he said. "I think it's long overdue."

The announcement leaves many angry US allies and leaders across the Middle East trying to find a measured response and hoping that the tinderbox region is not destined for yet another round of bloodletting.

Pope Francis joined a list of leaders warning of an historic misstep that could trigger a surge of violence.

"I cannot silence my deep concern over the situation that has emerged in recent days," the pontiff said Wednesday, one day after speaking by phone with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.

The pontiff added that maintaining Jerusalem's status quo was important "in order to avoid adding new elements of tension to an already volatile world that is wracked by so many cruel conflicts."

In a frantic series of calls, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the European Union, France, Germany and Turkey also warned Trump against the move.

Moving the US embassy will probably take years to implement, but the repercussions of Trump's decision are likely to be swift.

Hundreds of Palestinians burned US and Israeli flags as well as pictures of Trump in the Gaza Strip, while relatively small clashes erupted near the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron.

The Palestinian armed Islamist movement Hamas has threatened to launch a new "intifada," or uprising.

Palestinians called for three days of protests -- or "days of rage" -- starting Wednesday.

Anticipating protests, US government officials and their families were ordered to avoid Jerusalem's Old City and the West Bank, though the situation remained largely calm Wednesday.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the main pan-Islamic body, in Istanbul on December 13 "to display joint action among Islamic countries" over Jerusalem.

"Such a step will only play into the hands of terror groups," Erdogan said at a joint news conference in Ankara after talks with Jordan's King Abdullah II.

Jordan and the Palestinians also called for an emergency meeting of the Arab League in Cairo.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refrained from commenting on the issue on Wednesday in his first speech since Trump's plan was confirmed.

Most of the international community does not formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, insisting the issue can only be resolved in negotiations.

The White House argues the move would not prejudge final talks (of course not) and would represent the reality that west Jerusalem is and will continue to be part of Israel under any settlement.

Critics say Trump's approach could extinguish his own efforts to broker Middle East peace while igniting the flames of conflict in a region already reeling from crises in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Qatar.

Israel seized the largely Arab eastern sector of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it, claiming both sides of the city as its capital.

The Palestinians want the eastern sector as the capital of their future state (good luck now)

Trump was pushed to act on the embassy as a result of a sell out to AIPAC in 1995, when Congress voted that the city "should be recognized as the capital of the state of Israel" and the US embassy be moved there, despite worldwide opinion to the contrary.

A waiver has been invoked by successive US presidents, postponing the move on grounds of "national security" once every six months, meaning the law has never taken effect.

Several peace plans have unravelled in the past decades over the issue of how to divide sovereignty or oversee holy sites in Jerusalem.

Here we go again, putting a bullseye on our back and making every American a target by sucking Israeli dick.

Just watch the shit hit the fan now, worldwide, with Israel and the USA crying about the unfairness of the response, which will be monumental.

Fuck Trump and fuck Israel, those pieces of shit that are destroying the world as we know it, which is already fucked up as it is, and by the time this motherfucker Trump gets impeached for collusion with Russia (and he will), it will take decades to recover from this imbecile.
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Fuck Trump and fuck Israel, those pieces of shit that are destroying the world as we know it, which is already fucked up as it is, and by the time this motherfucker Trump gets impeached for collusion with Russia (and he will), it will take decades to recover from this imbecile.

a big fuck to the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the rest of the M.E.

Jared Kushner was busy the last few months working the plan with the "Future" king of Saudi, who promised pressuring the Arab & Islamic world for the recognition of the state of Israel and ending the conflict.
a big fuck to the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the rest of the M.E.

Jared Kushner was busy the last few months working the plan with the "Future" king of Saudi, who promised pressuring the Arab & Islamic world for the recognition of the state of Israel and ending the conflict.
Kusner and Friedman are jokes.

You have two Jews representing the US, both of which are staunch supporters of Israel and the expansion of the illegal Jewish settlements, and both of whom have extensive economic ties to Israel, and these are the guys leading the supposed peace process between Israel and Palestine?

Give me a fucking break.

Kusner and Friedman are jokes.

You have two Jews representing the US, both of which are staunch supporters of Israel and the expansion of the illegal Jewish settlements, and both of whom have extensive economic ties to Israel, and these are the guys leading the supposed peace process between Israel and Palestine?

Give me a fucking break.


They call it "the century's deal" or something like that.
I don't blame the Israeli jews for looking after their interests, the blame falls on the hypocrite leaders of the so called M.E.
They call it "the century's deal" or something like that.
I don't blame the Israeli jews for looking after their interests, the blame falls on the hypocrite leaders of the so called M.E.
Of course the Jews have a right to look after their best interests, I understand that, but don't destroy the Palestinian people in the process, or by association drag the US down to their level, that of a racist/apartheid state that only cares about itself, and the rest of the world can go fuck themselves

This just really, like really, makes us look like we are Israel's lapdog (which we are of course), to the rest of the world (like they needed a reminder)

When even the Pope is like "sorry I can't just sit here and not say anything" you probably know it's a fucking stupid idea.