Trump/Sessions are getting set to go after legal marijuana


Well-Known Member
Attorney General Jeff Sessions plans to roll back an Obama-era policy that had allowed legal marijuana to thrive without federal intervention, Fox News confirmed Thursday.

The Obama administration back in 2013 announced via a memo from then-Deputy Attorney General James Cole that it would not obstruct states that legalized marijuana, on the condition the drug was not allowed to move to states where it was illegal and it was kept away from children and gangs.

Sessions is expected to announce that he will rescind that memo and instead leave it to U.S. attorneys in states where the drug is legal to decide to what extent they will enforce federal laws.

The Associated Press reported that the move will likely add to confusion among users and suppliers about whether they can grow, buy and sell marijuana in states -- as federal law bans it.

The government regards marijuana as a controlled dangerous substances, grouped together with drugs such as heroin. Sessions has blamed its increased use for spikes in violence in the U.S.
The Associated Press reported that the move will likely add to confusion among users and suppliers about whether they can grow, buy and sell marijuana in states -- as federal law bans it.
There will be no confusion.
