Trump Sues Hillary


Well-Known Member
The latest squirrel for the weak minded cultists that make up the current Republican Party landed yesterday when former guy Donald Jeanius Trump filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for... something.

Lately I have been watching the increasingly unhinged and soon to be defunct One America News Network.

The resident game show host was interviewing some clown US Representative from Flor-i-duh and Matt Gaetz wannabe, Greg Steube. The "newsperson" in question was imploring the Congressman to "finally actually lock up Hillary and Joe Biden" rather than just chanting "Lock them up" and doing nothing (like Trump did).

These people are very, very dangerous.
He can just use some of Stormy Daniel’s money to cover his attorney costs though. Nothing out of pocket - so why not? He’s got time on his hands and is probably bored