Trump Tariffs - What does it mean to you and your grow ?

Do you think you will pay more ?

  • Yes ... FUCK !

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't give a shit

    Votes: 2 50.0%

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Well-Known Member
Watching the orange baboon wave his magic tariff wand at China today .....

Now I know they are intellectual property thieves and such , but for us growers , consumers and general folk have got to wonder WTF will we be paying for in the future. As growers will this roll down in ways we may not have thought of ..... Metal used in grow light fabrication , plastics used for nute containers , and so many things that if you broke down where every piece of a particular product is made and imported from.

Example : Bag of combs 99¢ ( lame example but work with me ) ... Made in China .
President Dump Truck tariffs ALL imports and China response is the same , so that lowly fucking bag of plastic will cost what ?

I am all for AMERICAN MADE however there are many " pieces " of a final product that sourced from many places.

I like those bags of Chinese rice crackers ( with seaweed ) when I'm Tokin and that fat fuck really
Fucked that up.
It's not much, $50 billion compared to the level of trade. You will pay more for everything made in China, fucking near everything you use! LED grow lights will be higher and anything that uses steel. I live in Canada so the price increase should be easy to see in the USA. Trariffs are for chckenshits like Trump, if yer not afraid to throw yer hat in the ring they are a shitty idea, unless yer enforcing fair trade etc. Trade makes us all rich, if it didn't they wouldn't use sanctions and blockades as instruments of war, they are that destructive, Trump ain't that stupid all on his own, he musta had Vlads help.
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Regardless of the cost increase in your gear, President Trump just instituted the largest tax increase in recent memory while simultaneously risking a financial crisis and trade war. While the know-nothings might feel good about his tough talk, their Walmart bill just got a whole lot bigger and their standard of living just got a whole lot lower. The cute thing about this tax increase (yes, the tariffs are a tax increase) is that it will fall disproportionately on the lower end of the income scale while simultaneously rewarding the upper spectrum. Nice job deplorables!

There are more ways to protect American industry than tariffs. But none of them have the added (from the Republican perspective) benefit of being paid for by the poorest members of society. Trump could have put quotas on Chinese goods. Trump could have subsidized select American industries. But doing those things would have been more difficult politically and Trump is a hack who cannot lead or effectively legislate. Also, those tools would have been funded by upper income Americans and would not have eviscerated the poor.
US Farmers are gonna take it in the ass from the trump tariffs....China is the biggest importer of US grains.....thanks trump

It serves those blue states right. Uh, wait...
i look at all of trump's moves in this way:

how does it help the 1% and the big corps??

the massive tax cuts were obvious but the tariffs i'm having a harder time figuring out how it helps?
It's going to lead to higher prices on goods being as the states imports more than it builds
but trump said he was gonna fix the trade deficit so why is the trade deficit higher now than it was under obama?
but trump said he was gonna fix the trade deficit so why is the trade deficit higher now than it was under obama?

Anyone from NY/NJ already knew the con artist of Trump by looking at the damage he has done in those states. Trump just played off the emotions of a certain group which felt they have been thrown under the bus.
Anyone from NY/NJ already knew the con artist of Trump by looking at the damage he has done in those states
My new yawk friends said that the day after the election reminded them of the days after 9/11 insofar as a sense of foreboding and depression was concerned.

Helluva town.

Always darkest before the dawn. Wait for it.
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Chinese products were always shitty, but they were cheap and really the only game in town.
Now, we are going to pay more for the same shitty product, but there will be a work around to maintain the profit margin, and that is to make an even cheaper product.
Can you imagine a even shittier Chinese product?
Holy cow, we're fucked
Anyone from NY/NJ already knew the con artist of Trump by looking at the damage he has done in those states. Trump just played off the emotions of a certain group which felt they have been thrown under the bus.
His reputation had spread much further than that.

I hope that if anyone suffers in this country, the rich suffer the most. I know better than to think that will actually happen.

I'm still hopeful that his dramatically public, outrageous mismanagement of our country will inspire more than just high school and college students to protest, get involved and bring about much needed economic change in America.