Trump Won!!! Whats that mean for cannabis

There's also the gun ownership issue
I know a grower that used to attend the BBQ's, he had a large gorilla grow (2000 plants) that was located on very remote BLM land right on the Nevada/California border. They got raided by the DEA with helicopters. Fortunately for him he was not at the garden when the raid happened, but his partner wasn't so lucky and was arrested. They hired some good lawyers and they were able to get all the charges dropped except for the 12ga shotgun the DEA found on the grow. His partner received 5 year sentence for the gun.
For Cannabis here in Europe I don't think it doesn't matter at all. The few countries which already has legalized, or what we call for "legalized", they will continue with their "cannabis social clubs". There are not any country in Europe their Cannabis is 100% LEGALIZED I'm afraid. Incl. Holland. All Cannabis in Holland is growing, handling and imports by the illegal gangs I'm afraid.

And I don't think Mr. Trump as president in the U.S. can influence legalization in Europe in the future.

But I think the import taxes for the most stuff from the U.S. will raise. THAT's REALLY BAD!!!