Trump's popularity hits all time high!!!


Well-Known Member
Gallup released today the results of a national poll taken last week during the midst of that cocksucker's impeachment trial, unbelievably (no, it's not) showing that his popularity amongst the American public at large has hit the highest level of satisfaction since that abomination was inaugurated, with 49% of registered voters approving of him as POTUS.
What the fuck?
It seems it's true that he could murder someone in Times Square and there'd be no problem.
I guess all he has too do now is rape Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor & his re-election will be a lock.
This country is fucked up, and there's no denying it anymore in my opinion.
He has been running (unopposed) full tilt on his Presidential campaign since he took office, has his full online troll armies hammering every website/newsfeed, the Republicans spinning his misdeeds left and right, and nobody running against him.

He hasn't really done shit, and has plenty of time to continune to screw up the only real job he has ever had in his life before November. And eventually someone will be there to start punching back at him everyday without taking heat from the people they are on the same side as.
lol, I am not a fan of fat shaming, but I am ok with it to trigger Trump:

We the greedy.....
That's really kills me.
Obama brought us back from GW's disastrous economic policies, he get's no credit for it & this motherfucker is claiming all the credit.
I just hope he get's all the credit for our unsustainable debt, because that is 1/2 of the bubble, and he doubled it.
Just wait until this bubble EXPLODES, and that's what is going too happen.
Oh well, we are a nation built on debt & credit now, and apparently no one really give a fuck (except the Chinese)
Ces't la vie :)
Gallup released today the results of a national poll taken last week during the midst of that cocksucker's impeachment trial, unbelievably (no, it's not) showing that his popularity amongst the American public at large has hit the highest level of satisfaction since that abomination was inaugurated, with 49% of registered voters approving of him as POTUS.
What the fuck?
It seems it's true that he could murder someone in Times Square and there'd be no problem.
I guess all he has too do now is rape Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor & his re-election will be a lock.
This country is fucked up, and there's no denying it anymore in my opinion.

he does what they can only dream of doing; they are him.
This is not a surprise. I warned that one of the side effects of impeachment would be 45's poll numbers would go up. Same thing happened to Clinton. Although his were a lot higher to start with.
This is not a surprise. I warned that one of the side effects of impeachment would be 45's poll numbers would go up. Same thing happened to Clinton. Although his were a lot higher to start with.
I really think Eugenics should be reconsidered today in the age of Trump.
Just think about it for a moment.
Every person that votes must have an IQ above 70, and viola!, Trump would lose 75% of his constituency.
Very sad, but also very true
Gallup released today the results of a national poll taken last week during the midst of that cocksucker's impeachment trial, unbelievably (no, it's not) showing that his popularity amongst the American public at large has hit the highest level of satisfaction since that abomination was inaugurated, with 49% of registered voters approving of him as POTUS.
What the fuck?
It seems it's true that he could murder someone in Times Square and there'd be no problem.
I guess all he has too do now is rape Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor & his re-election will be a lock.
This country is fucked up, and there's no denying it anymore in my opinion.


Aggregate of polls damps down the noise. Trump is no better off today than yesterday. Or the year before and everywhere in between. He's done nothing to bridge the divides he created.

Doesn't mean the country isn't fucked up. Doesn't mean the Democrats will win. Just means he has crappy approval ratings.

Five thirty eight feb 5
This is not a surprise. I warned that one of the side effects of impeachment would be 45's poll numbers would go up. Same thing happened to Clinton. Although his were a lot higher to start with.
During the equivalent period Clinton consistently polled twenty points higher than Trump did in this recent outlier of a poll. This recent single polling event isn't much of a tell. You could still be right but it's a bit early to say definitively so.
I really think Eugenics should be reconsidered today in the age of Trump.
Just think about it for a moment.
Every person that votes must have an IQ above 70, and viola!, Trump would lose 75% of his constituency.
Very sad, but also very true

Lol for a bunch of dumb asses we sure manage to pull it off rofl. Maybe just maybe you and yours aren't as smart as you think. Trump 2020 easy win. Last time against clinton no one was really sure what they were going to get with trump. now that the democratic party has spent the last few years acting like a bunch of whiners and trump hasnt flipped on what he campaigned on he will win by a land slide. It will make hillary fill alot better so there is your up side.
Lol for a bunch of dumb asses we sure manage to pull it off rofl. Maybe just maybe you and yours aren't as smart as you think. Trump 2020 easy win. Last time against clinton no one was really sure what they were going to get with trump. now that the democratic party has spent the last few years acting like a bunch of whiners and trump hasnt flipped on what he campaigned on he will win by a land slide. It will make hillary fill alot better so there is your up side.
you guys needed all the help russia could give you, plus the worlds luckiest break from jim comey, just to lose by 3 million votes

Then you lost by ten million in the midterm, and lost easily winnable senate and governor seats in Alabama and Kentucky

Guess why
Do you actually believe the poll though? I don't know what to think honestly, sometimes I feel like all this is a side show and the joke is on us if that makes any sense.
Most people even Republikkkans said the trial in the Senate was a farce. A majority said Trump should be removed from office. Then this poll shows up with the largest jump in Trump's approval ratings? The OP should learn to damp his emotional responses to minute by minute changes in the news. It's not like it was when he was growing up and the news cycle took days or weeks. With shorter cycles comes more noise.

this thread is a joke.
Lol for a bunch of dumb asses we sure manage to pull it off rofl. Maybe just maybe you and yours aren't as smart as you think. Trump 2020 easy win. Last time against clinton no one was really sure what they were going to get with trump. now that the democratic party has spent the last few years acting like a bunch of whiners and trump hasnt flipped on what he campaigned on he will win by a land slide. It will make hillary fill alot better so there is your up side.
We know about Trump now. Oh yes we do. 3rd president to be impeached and he beat the rap by stacking, then menacing the jury. More than half of this country wanted to see him removed from office. Your GOP moved the clock forward about four years closer to when they will never see a whiff of power in DC for the foreseeable future. Look at California and that's where the rest of the country is headed. Good times!