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It seems that according to Trump, middle-class Americans' incomes would eventually rise more than $4,000 if corporate tax cuts were enacted, the Trump administration said in an analysis released on Monday to counter Democratic criticisms that its tax proposals overwhelmingly benefit the rich.
President Donald Trump has said he would like to see the U.S. corporate income tax rate reduced to 20 percent from the current 35 percent rate (not that they pay anywhere near that), and that will be a boon for all the workers in the US. (McDonald's will start giving away hamburgers to it's employees at a further discount, and WalMart will hand out free underwear to it's workers)
An analysis by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (Munchen), said lower corporate taxes would give companies incentive to invest in new machines that would require more skilled workers (coal miners?), who would then be paid higher wages. Yea, right, that's what happened every time my former bosses stepped on a shitload of cash, like when Reagan gave tax cuts to the wealthy in the early 80's (how did that work out?) they just passed it on to the workers, not another vacation home, a new Audi, or another yacht.
Where does this guy come up with so much pure shite, and the American people buy it?
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer accused the administration of "deliberate manipulation of numbers and facts" in its analysis and said companies already are sitting on a lot of cash.
"As the president likes to point out, the stock market is at record highs and companies are raking in unprecedented profits, yet wages have remained relatively flat," Schumer said in a statement on Monday. "That's proof positive that companies already have a cash windfall but they're not using it to boost wages."
Nah, their just giving themselves outlandish bonuses, that's were the cash is going.
The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research organization, said the overall benefits of lower corporate taxes tilt heavily toward those with higher incomes.
It said middle-income taxpayers would receive less than 10 percent of the benefit of a corporate rate cut while the top 20 percent would receive about 70 percent. The top 1 percent would see about one-third of the benefits and the top 0.1 percent would get about one-fifth, the center has said.
Trump said that is "Fake News"
Democrats have lambasted the Trump tax plan's intended tax relief for corporations and small businesses as a giveaway for the wealthy.
Trump fired back in a separate tweet, "The Democrats only want to increase taxes and obstruct. That's all they are good at!"
No, the Democrats just want a sensible POTUS, not some off the wall asshole that panders to the wealthy and to his dumb as a fucking rock, asshole core constituency.
President Donald Trump has said he would like to see the U.S. corporate income tax rate reduced to 20 percent from the current 35 percent rate (not that they pay anywhere near that), and that will be a boon for all the workers in the US. (McDonald's will start giving away hamburgers to it's employees at a further discount, and WalMart will hand out free underwear to it's workers)
An analysis by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (Munchen), said lower corporate taxes would give companies incentive to invest in new machines that would require more skilled workers (coal miners?), who would then be paid higher wages. Yea, right, that's what happened every time my former bosses stepped on a shitload of cash, like when Reagan gave tax cuts to the wealthy in the early 80's (how did that work out?) they just passed it on to the workers, not another vacation home, a new Audi, or another yacht.
Where does this guy come up with so much pure shite, and the American people buy it?
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer accused the administration of "deliberate manipulation of numbers and facts" in its analysis and said companies already are sitting on a lot of cash.
"As the president likes to point out, the stock market is at record highs and companies are raking in unprecedented profits, yet wages have remained relatively flat," Schumer said in a statement on Monday. "That's proof positive that companies already have a cash windfall but they're not using it to boost wages."
Nah, their just giving themselves outlandish bonuses, that's were the cash is going.
The Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research organization, said the overall benefits of lower corporate taxes tilt heavily toward those with higher incomes.
It said middle-income taxpayers would receive less than 10 percent of the benefit of a corporate rate cut while the top 20 percent would receive about 70 percent. The top 1 percent would see about one-third of the benefits and the top 0.1 percent would get about one-fifth, the center has said.
Trump said that is "Fake News"
Democrats have lambasted the Trump tax plan's intended tax relief for corporations and small businesses as a giveaway for the wealthy.
Trump fired back in a separate tweet, "The Democrats only want to increase taxes and obstruct. That's all they are good at!"
No, the Democrats just want a sensible POTUS, not some off the wall asshole that panders to the wealthy and to his dumb as a fucking rock, asshole core constituency.