Trump's team is in full meltdown.


Well-Known Member
Every since Trump messed up his 'owning the libs' by directing a subordinate to illegally withhold a whistle blower complaint, he has been on a full meltdown, tweeting conspiracy theories that his minions are out in the news spreading out so that his army of foreign trolls can use to muddy the water on his impeachment.

He has dragged all his would be gestapo into his coverup of his coverup too. Pompeo was on the call that Trump tried to get Ukraine to do opposition research using the full weight of the American government to further his political career, even after playing dumb and lying to the American public once again. Then he really shot himself in the foot by writing a letter to congress on how nobody is going to the hearing from the state department.

he was on the call, he has an obvious conflict of interest, and as the Democrats pointed out to him in their response that he is in conflict with anything to do with this and what he is doing is obstruction of justice and attempted intimidating witnesses.

“Any effort to intimidate witnesses or prevent them from talking with Congress — including State Department employees — is illegal and will constitute evidence of obstruction of the impeachment inquiry,” said three House chairmen, Adam Schiff of the intelligence committee, Eliot Engel of Foreign Affairs, and Elijah Cummings of Oversight. They said that if he was on Trump’s call, “Secretary Pompeo is now a fact witness in the House impeachment inquiry.” And they warned, “He should immediately cease intimidating Department witnesses in order to protect himself and the President.”

So one minion down....

Discredited Barr (4 page summary turned out to be a complete fabrication) too is out traveling the world with Guiliani and was mentioned several times by Trump to other country's leaders in an attempt to dig up dirt on how the Mueller investigation was started. Which is weird if he was totally and completely exonerated (lol). I am guessing Barr will be the first one impeached so that Trump key lieutenant to obstructing justice is removed.

Mulvaney is in hot water over the holding up of the military aid to Ukraine so that Trump could shake them down.

Pretty soon Trump is going to not have anything but 'acting' minions it looks like to toss infant of his stupid decisions.

OH! And Putin even started crying that his call to Trump can't be listened to by congress......

I mean Putin says right? So just continue to let his puppet go unchecked in the white house after a complete white wash the first two years of total Republican control and Trump's disastrous temper tantrum he has had since he lost the house at the beginning of this year. He is a waste.
Pompeo and Barr are Trump stooges, they're there simply because they lick Trump's balls.
For Pompeo to ignore requests from Congressional intelligence committees for testimony from State Dept. employees to describe interaction between Trump and Ukraine is a load of shite.
What the fuck?
That's all we get from this WH, refusals to testify.
Why, is that because their scared cunts, because that seems to be the case
But the reckoning is coming.
This is America, not Russia or China, and they will be held accountable.
Bet on it.
It looks like he is about to burn everyone he can as he falls.

He just threw Pence under a bus, I would not want to be Pelosi right now, she might end up having to be president after this turd if he brings Pence down with him.

But also the inspector general handed over Trump's trolling book. Who knows which stories are plants, but I would love to see what is in that book of conspiracy theories they are trying to spin!

Raskin on Wednesday said he did not know whether Pompeo received the envelope, whether he distributed it to anyone else or whether the secretary himself turned it over to the inspector general. "This is my interpretation of it: There may be misconduct by the secretary of state or other State Department employees in distributing this if they know where it comes from," Raskin said. "It's very clear what it is: It is a package of propaganda and disinformation and conspiracy theories. The real question is where it came from and how it ended up in our lap."
Love this ....

What was Elijah Cummings actually saying when he threatened the White House with subpoenas?

What Mr. Cummings is essentially telling the White House is this: Either you hand over anything and everything related to this Ukraine matter, possibly helping our case against the president, or you refuse and your refusal to comply with this inquiry will be used to build a separate article of impeachment around obstruction of Congress ......

Love this ....

What was Elijah Cummings actually saying when he threatened the White House with subpoenas?

What Mr. Cummings is essentially telling the White House is this: Either you hand over anything and everything related to this Ukraine matter, possibly helping our case against the president, or you refuse and your refusal to comply with this inquiry will be used to build a separate article of impeachment around obstruction of Congress ......

Looks like Donald might not have a Russian rat hole to run to, Vlad just owned him and will now dispose of him, his usefulness is nearly over. He is far too nervous to have any kind of escape plan waiting, looks like a psychological breakdown to me, before the impeachment and prison. He might have a heart attack or stroke too. I don't expect any more rallies, but I do hope he does it for emotional support. He's ready for another fix and needs it bad right now, he's like a junky for it, might be time for him to spew in his safe space, a Trump rally, love it, so will the press and others.;-)
Actually.... I will agree with you on wearing out his Russian welcome .... vlad got the chaos in full swing with all sides at each other’s throats. While busily improves military weaponry and might. He doesn’t need him anymore.

No one will want to frequent his properties ( not that they do now anyways ) or even his children’s ventures either as they see the TRUMP name as problematic. I think since he wanted to investigate Joe Biden‘s son , the clintons and anyone else he dislikes , then HIS KIDS should be fair game also.

I‘m pretty sure the Welcome Mat in front of any country has long been pulled away.
Actually.... I will agree with you on wearing out his Russian welcome .... vlad got the chaos in full swing with all sides at each other’s throats. While busily improves military weaponry and might. He doesn’t need him anymore.

No one will want to frequent his properties ( not that they do now anyways ) or even his children’s ventures either as they see the TRUMP name as problematic. I think since he wanted to investigate Joe Biden‘s son , the clintons and anyone else he dislikes , then HIS KIDS should be fair game also.

I‘m pretty sure the Welcome Mat in front of any country has long been pulled away.
They are gonna go to jail and or be sued out of existence by a million plaintiffs, it will be like a wolf pack attack, they are fucked, many of TRUMP'S MINIONS WILL BE CRUSHED AND RUINED BY LEGAL BILLS, don't feel sorry at all, it is justice and up to the courts.
I think there is a chance that Putin bit off more than he can chew with Trump. Trump will drag everyone down with him, and expose everything the Russians and any other countries leaders have done and screw over everybody.

Its all fun and games until the Russian people start to get pissed that Putin tugged on the tigers tail for Trump, and they have to pay the price.
I think there is a chance that Putin bit off more than he can chew with Trump. Trump will drag everyone down with him, and expose everything the Russians and any other countries leaders have done and screw over everybody.

Its all fun and games until the Russian people start to get pissed that Putin tugged on the tigers tail for Trump, and they have to pay the price.
Uncle Sam is gonna be pissed, look what happened to Iran in when they seized diplomats and Canada sprung a couple of dozen for ya who were hiding in our embassy. It was decades long punishment on every level including war. They had Saddam go after them an paid the shot. It's nothing compared to what will happen to Russia, if Biden or Warren get in. gotta go sit
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If you don’t ask the Finnish President a question I am going to fucking cry
When Trump told Niinistö to “pick somebody who’s really nice” from Finland to ask a question, a Finnish reporter asked, “Because this is the biggest issue here at the moment, I have to ask, what kind of favors has Mr. Trump asked from you?”
The question drew gasps and laughter from the room.
“I think you mean the other way around,” Trump said.
I think there is a chance that Putin bit off more than he can chew with Trump. Trump will drag everyone down with him, and expose everything the Russians and any other countries leaders have done and screw over everybody.

Its all fun and games until the Russian people start to get pissed that Putin tugged on the tigers tail for Trump, and they have to pay the price.
Did you notice how many times Trump stressed that the only reason he released the "word for word transcript (lol)" with Zelensky was because Zelensky approved it? I think Trump is shitting bricks about the release of his phone calls with Putin and MBS. Putin has made it very clear that he does not approve of the release of their phone calls.

Unlike Nixon, Trump and his hand picked minions of sycophants will have little compunction about putting a torch (bleach-bit, acid washed, Augh!) to Trump's Super Secret Server of Perfect Calls.
