Trumps War with Iran


Well-Known Member
You should know by now that we will be in a physical war with Iran within the next few weeks, if not sooner.
Not a paper pushing, I'll starve you economically to death war, but a real war, a death and destruction war.
He went so far as to say he doesn't need an exit strategy because there "won't be any boots on the ground", and the US will "obliterate Iran"
I really am at a loss for words about this situation.
Ego, the upcoming election, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bolton, even Evangelicals?
All I know is this is going to end badly, over what?
Many, many people are going to die, that's for sure, and it WILL turn the ME into a Holocaust.
If I believed in God I would say please save us from this menace, but I don't believe in God, and Trump is the fucking living proof there is no God, at least a benevolent one.
So, light a candle and hope and pray for all the souls that are about to perish because of Donald J. Trump.
What the FUCK has America done to itself, again?
Did you hear him describe how he decided at the last second not to start a war? It's like the guy is writing the movie script of his biopic in his head. He's such a narcissist that he can't see that he just makes himself look like an idiot 24/7.
We can hope
There is a lot of bullshit that can happen short of the "destruction of Iran". If push comes to shove, Putin would allow it if it helps Trump's re-election chances. He would also provide assistance to the Iranians praying to his bank accounts that they launched a 100 or so missiles at a carrier strike force and sunk a CV. There is ample room for us to fight Iran and give Putin a win-win on a tactical level. Strategic is another thing, but Putin isn't very good at that.
Putin won't allow his stooge to destroy Iran.

Which is why Trump called off the attack.

Trump will meet privately again with Putin at the G20.

Mark my words: when Trump gets back from that meeting, the entire Iran problem will magically go away.

Trump will start his 'deal making' and praising Iran just like he did North Korea.

It will be as if nothing ever happened.
Which is why Trump called off the attack.

Trump will meet privately again with Putin at the G20.

Mark my words: when Trump gets back from that meeting, the entire Iran problem will magically go away.

Trump will start his 'deal making' and praising Iran just like he did North Korea.

It will be as if nothing ever happened.
Are you suggesting that Trump doesn't have an active line of communication open with Putin on a day-to-day basis? I would find that hard to believe.
Are you suggesting that Trump doesn't have an active line of communication open with Putin on a day-to-day basis? I would find that hard to believe.

He's being watched very closely. It's not quite as easy for him now as it was then.

I think he only gets contact in extreme emergencies.

There's no other explanation for him calling off that attack. He was told beforehand how many would die. He knew that days before.

But he suddenly finds a heart 10 minutes before the attack happens?

No way. He was told by someone from Putin to call it off or else.
He's being watched very closely. It's not quite as easy for him now as it was then.

I think he only gets contact in extreme emergencies.

There's no other explanation for him calling off that attack. He was told beforehand how many would die. He knew that days before.

But he suddenly finds a heart 10 minutes before the attack happens?

No way. He was told by someone from Putin to call it off or else.
I look at it as theater. Trump wants to go to war and have it look like he was very hesitant to do so. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. I think his political advisors in the Kremlin probably did a good of getting his supporters to see it that way - they understand not-very-intelligent sheep-people better than an American can hope to.
Trump's not capable of theater. He can't even act like a man, let alone like a president.

He's too stupid to pull it off. Only when he's told,"Stop that attack immediately or we cut off your money" does he understand.

We'll see when he gets back from G20. When the whole Iran thing dies down, we'll know.
You should know by now that we will be in a physical war with Iran within the next few weeks, if not sooner.
Not a paper pushing, I'll starve you economically to death war, but a real war, a death and destruction war.
He went so far as to say he doesn't need an exit strategy because there "won't be any boots on the ground", and the US will "obliterate Iran"
I really am at a loss for words about this situation.
Ego, the upcoming election, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bolton, even Evangelicals?
All I know is this is going to end badly, over what?
Many, many people are going to die, that's for sure, and it WILL turn the ME into a Holocaust.
If I believed in God I would say please save us from this menace, but I don't believe in God, and Trump is the fucking living proof there is no God, at least a benevolent one.
So, light a candle and hope and pray for all the souls that are about to perish because of Donald J. Trump.
What the FUCK has America done to itself, again?

Trump is a coward, Jim..he's also a lot of talk- see North Korea.
Trump will start a war with Iran. Wars are great for re-elections..
That's the Republicans go to card every time there is a chance of them losing an election for POTUS.
Americans love war and supporting the commander in chief when we're in one, which seemingly is all the time.
We are a warrior nation that rally's around our leader, no matter if it's wrong or right.
Is that a good thing?
I fucking doubt it.