Trying to expand


Well-Known Member
In the time between now and my last grow (almost a year ago, check my previous threads for my setup) I have had a lot of problems securing a place I could grow in, but that problem has been solved and I am back up and running, just harvested a single plant the other week (I got only one lady out of 7 sprouted :( sad sad sad) But now I am going for an all out grow. I have a 4x4 ebb and flow table and a 1000w HPS, I will soon be in possession of 2 more 1000w lights. I am planning on maybe getting another table and then with the other 1000 doing an all organic grow in soil. My question is really about ventalation, right now I have a window ac unit (carefully insulated in a 2nd story window facing the back of the house) It isn't a large model but it worked fine keeping my 1000w room cool but I am unsure if it will handle a 3000w room should I be thinking about ducting and a blower with this much watage?
Nobody can tell me this? If a window ac unit is going to do it that would be great but if I am going to need more ventilation than that I need to know. Hope someone can help me out here
I would estimate the room ( A spare bedroom) as maybe 8 x 14, the airconditioner (running full blast) Kept the room in the mid 70's, but this was with only 1 1000w, and I will have at least 2 maybe even three and I am just worried that I am going to need more serious ventilation and I want to find out before I have a room full of plants and I have problems.