Trying to lose tolerence for the first time in years


Well-Known Member
Okay I have kept a steady supply of dro coming my way for about 2 years now. That is, every day having enough to get by. Now i don't get as high, gonna take a month off. I'll post daily to let you know how I do. I have to smoke a little bit before november 22nd because i'm a judge for the cannabis cup this year, but i'm gonna try to go till then.

heres the last of it. smoking it all right now with my girl



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man! Give it a few weeks even! Sometimes you don't have to wait that long, 3-4 weeks is enough for me, to completely subside THC from my system.


Well-Known Member
yeah i dropped the entire bag out of a big o' bowl and onto my carpet. I had the pleasure of pulling out bulldog hair for like 30 mins.


Well-Known Member
Wow I heard of smells like dog. But never tastes like dog. lol Unless of course your in Korea or Vietnam.bongsmilie

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
lol i feel yea. any way around the wait? i need to stay high atleast 4 times a day for my anxiety well i need some..but i like to get to the "what the fuck is going on" tyype of high/..but i smoked a 3,5 g philly blunt ALONE n that got my high...but if i use my 2 perk bong...i need like 5 bowls to get a good buzz n its pretty good shit lol not kush but...still! like its some good chronic just not kushy, n i need to get high again! i cant do the month wait :( whats a way around it? i hear cardio during ur brerak helps becuz thc is fat dissolvable and the access in ur body goes to ur fat and if u burn it ur tech. burnoing the thcx out of ur system too. donno if that works. but makes sence. i just wanna get high like i used to...with no break!! and io have kush n high mids just mix em together n it still taes like 5 bowls n i mean...ground up to close to powder, to the rim of my ash idk..heard mangos work LOL