Trying to start a small grow...


Active Member
Okay so I'm trying to start a grow under my bed (details further down!) in about a month. I'm trying to heavily minimize cost (who isn't?) and I'm only looking for enough finished product to keep me and a couple friends smoking maybe 4-8 times a week. Any extra I suppose could be sold to close friends, but I'm not starting a business here.

I don't really have anything yet except some seeds, so I can build just about any setup. I really do want to keep it as discreet as possible (duh), but I have the plus side of unlimited electricity.

My space will be under my dorm bed, I would say the dimensions are 6 ft long, 3 ft wide, and 3 ft tall (its a nice high bed). The height forces me to grow short plants obviously. This is cool with me. I might not even use the whole space under the bed, maybe half... I dunno.

I've looked into all the different kinds of lighting already. If I did LED I would want to build it myself (to properly control colors), but I think I'd rather just go with something else. I haven't really researched hydroponics, I mostly assume dirt will be easier for a noob of my noobishness.

Please keep in mind I'm not going for a "killer crop" or anything, just something I can smoke and be proud of creating myself. I don't need the best plants, just plants that will actually make it to the finish line. I can still buy weed and smoke it if my crop sucks, but I wanna give it a go. The main reason I am posting is because 90% of guides I find are tailored to those with large spaces and more monetary resources than I have to invest. And I'm definitely not expecting to rake in pounds of it like they do.

I could use advice on keeping the plants growing horizontally. I don't know what I'll need to do ventilation wise. If I can get away with cool fluorescents for lighting, then heat won't be an issue, but smell still will be. I need a way to fix that... that's the biggest roadblock I can see right now. Also is there a minimum size to start flowering? I would rather have many rapidly grown plants than a couple big ones if I can...

I dunno, please impart great wisdom upon me, o great wise ones!

(Also last year I tried to grow one plant on a windowsill, but eventually it had to go stay with my friend and she killed it :( I was sooooo sad)


Active Member
the reason no one responded was most likely because that was very long for a stoner to read haha but its alright

its probably a very bad idea to grow in a dorm the word could get around easily and end up getting you screwed

if youre going to do it anyway the smell will be nearly impossible to cover up once they start flowering

if youre still going to do it anyway i would use cfl's for lighting and you can start to flower right when it comes out of the soil or veg for a week or two and then flower to give them atleast a little size


Well-Known Member
you are fuckin nuts under your dorm bed that shit is going to stink out the whole place TRUST ME.


Well-Known Member
LED's don't work like that, and growing under a bed sounds not only like a bad idea, but a fire hazard. Plus, depending on where you live, the laws are much more strict on a school campus.


Active Member
Well its not a normal tiny-ass dorm. Its an apartment-style 4-person place, and I know all the guys I'm living with pretty well. Everyone has their own room too, so I can lock mine if we have people over.

I definitely need to find a way to move air (and smell) out. Also, I see what you mean about the fire hazard, I'm a bit worried about that.

We also get a closet. The dimensions are about 2' x 2' and there's a bar about 5 feet up, so I might be able to hang lighting off of that (maybe rig it up to be easily moved up and down). Would it be better to grow in there?

Thanks for the advice, sorry I'm too stubborn to really listen though :P


Well-Known Member
growing in a cab would be much easier to tend to and disguise.

unless you seal off all of the bed area, the smell is gunna be a big problem.


Well-Known Member
you could (if you were willing to spend a little bit more) fit a 150w hps in that space with the right ventilation.

150w floodlight hps = $50 screwfix inc P&P, they're piss easy to remote ballast.


Active Member
sublimed, I was hoping to build a cabinet for my grow and put that under the bed, way back against a wall. I figured I could build one for now and change the lights, but if im successful make another and have 1 to flower in, 1 to veg in.

This cabinet would hopefully be relatively airtight. I was wondering if there is some kind of air pump I could use to help ventilation... not a case fan, something that I could actively use to pump the air like out my window, rig the pump up to like 10 feet of rubber hose or something. Anyone ever try that?

As for the closet, that is still definitely an option. And I'll really look into that hps light, I just worry about the heat. In these kind of spaces I dont know how safe it would be...


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't "shit where i eat"

really buddy, your in college to not be as dumb as us average stoners lol.....

wait til ya get your own place...... and just buy from one of us dummies til ya get settled in :)