
Genetics probably. Do you know what strain it is? Still has a long way to go. Plant appears health.
Strain is Wembley from Seeds Mafia and they say she has 8 weeks of flowering and harvest then, but mine has 10 weeks or more. Think about that 1 may was her first day, so she is 5 months old and 2 weeks. Always growing from this breeder, cause has healthy ang good seeds.
Genetics probably. Do you know what strain it is? Still has a long way to go. Plant appears health.
One more thing: all plant grown from this breeder ended up healthy till harvest and leaves are not a sign of evolving in flowering..thinkg about that i harvested a plant that was in same situation(another strain, critical jack exactly) and smoke and the effect was so damn good
And the other light is from moms room when she turn on the light in her room, but doesnt stay on long time.
"How are they suppused to have 12h darkness if the bulb is shining from above" *fingershowingup
Exactly an idiot. What i am supose to do? Breaking the street bulbs? If you were a nice boy, u would reply with advices, instead you reply like a stupid idiot. Get the fuck off
What i am supose to do? Breaking the street bulbs? If you were a nice boy, u would reply with advices,
Dont grow below street lights :D

What else advice you expect now after five and a half month... digging it out, trying some magic trick? you are the idiot who fucked up.

When you grow indoors... and check your plants with a flashlight each darphase in th emiddle of it... this is what you get after HALF a YEAR :D

You are just so fucking stupid growing weeds under street light and not saying that... not thinking about it might be a problem?

It's called a "short-day flowering" plant for a reason!

So DONT MESS UP NEXT TIME... learn something before you start growing like an idiot... thats the advice.
So...because of those lights, she will not finish to flower?
Yes, any real light pollution can cause issues for you ranging from self pollinating to delaying the start of flower, airy buds and delayed finishing. It doesn't take much and even having them on my deck I had to black out the windows from the light inside the house at night. It can be tough for people in the city or suburbs to find a dark enough area to properly flower a photo period plant and that's why a lot of people choose auto flower plants in areas with street lights and city light pollution. You can deal with light pollution a lot easier with the auto flower plant, it's going to flower no matter the light cycle. They also are generally much better at handling light intrusion during the dark cycle. Check with the breeder and strain to see how they handle light cycle interruptions and you can find some that will do just fine for next year's grow. Or if you have the room and ability research light deprivation gardening as an option for you. Hope this helps.
It's one of the very first basics one should know about when growing cannabis.

This is from a school Biology textbook.
I remember similar graphic in mine... 30 years ago!

I just found it funny somebody tried growing weed near the street lights, someone from the civilisation who should have spend some time in school an dwho has a computer with internet to check a growing guide or anything before he tries to grow a crop.... besides that there might be people walking around, smell it, finding it and steal it, or depending on the legal status eventually call authoritives.

If you want to grow in places where the light is interrupting the darkphase, try AUTOFLOWERINGs.... thes genetic (ruderalis) has the photoperiodism deactivated and goes into flowering automatically by plant age, no matter if no critical dark period is signalling.

I recommend you to read some literatur on growing cannabis when you have no good school education that you can remember because you not paid attention! At least some basics!
It's one of the very first basics one should know about when growing cannabis.

View attachment 5006277
This is from a school Biology textbook.
I remember similar graphic in mine... 30 years ago!

I just found it funny somebody tried growing weed near the street lights, someone from the civilisation who should have spend some time in school an dwho has a computer with internet to check a growing guide or anything before he tries to grow a crop.... besides that there might be people walking around, smell it, finding it and steal it, or depending on the legal status eventually call authoritives.

If you want to grow in places where the light is interrupting the darkphase, try AUTOFLOWERINGs.... thes genetic (ruderalis) has the photoperiodism deactivated and goes into flowering automatically by plant age, no matter if no critical dark period is signalling.

I recommend you to read some literatur on growing cannabis when you have no good school education that you can remember because you not paid attention! At least some basics!
Okay, he didn't know about it. So what? Why don't you just try to help the guy out? Why be such a know it all dick and try to act like he fucked your mother or something? It's his loss not yours. I hope intellectual superiority on the internet really makes your day dude. It's a weed forum for sharing knowledge. Get over yourself.
Thanks for your opinion my friend. I do not take into account the words of superior people. I am not a growing beginner, I asked the question believing that there are other factors that influence the heavy flowering. Next to that plant, I had 2 more that finished flowering even being closer to the street light. The plants did not receive direct light from the street light, because the garden was full of other plants that covered my plants a lot. I have been growing up for 6 years and believe me, I am very well documented and I knew all these things, only this plant really didn't want to continue to bloom, just stagnant. As for the bad taste answer of the above, it really doesn't make sense. He's a stinking addict who only has time to lose it.