Turbo garden 14 plants...How much light do I need?


Active Member
Also If I go for a 600watt hps do you think I could fit two of the turbo gardens under there or Would i have to upgrade all the way to 1000watt
thanks in advance for any help

....The 250 watt hps is 27500 lumens / 9 square feet is 3000 lumens/sq feet and ideal is 1500 right/? Found a thread that answers it depends on what stage of growth they are in and during flowering I need about 10000 lumens/sq foot so I would have to get at least a 400 watt hps (55,000 lumen)/9sqfeet=6,111 so I could get away with that right? or do i need to go 600 watt and get 10000 lumens/sq foot
....Also since they are in 5 inch net pots will they reach there full growth potential
...I always end up doing this(asking like 20 questions then no one answers)


How big is the room? i would say 1 600w HPS would do the trick if the light covers your entire growroom, or get two and you will have plenty of light !! (you can never have to much light) ;)