TurKey Day


Well-Known Member
To aLL Here Have a Great Time with family and friends . Ive got some Hash ill breaK ouT and some Narragansett Beers . As you Know if God made a beTTer Beer than Gansett` hes Keeping it for HimseLf , buT as you see Im oLd School , real oLd
Right on, thanks! Same to you!

I am 2-4 weeks from harvest so I'll be itching during thanksgiving unless my step dad hooks it up... haha...
Thanks Hobie, you as well!

I'm not really a fish but on occassion I will "drink" for the flavor of certain liquors. This thread is inspiration to put one or two of my favorites on the schedule for Turkey Day. I've never had a 'Gansett but I did sign an interest petition back in college when they were first trying to getting going again. I guess my John Hancock made up for a lot of people, that stuff is in stores everywhere now!
...and the same to you and yours. I made some brownies, I just hope there are some left for thanksgiving. Make sure while you are enjoying your nice meal and your own meds this holiday, to remember all the patients in need and caregivers out there that really care. We are all brothers in arms with our afflitions whatever they may be. I eat a brownie in all y'alls honor. I know these brownies will never see Thanksgiving. Stay medicated