turning pressed keif "hash" into a concentrate (oil)?


Well-Known Member
so i have a 1.9g nug of HIGH quality (very potent) pressed keif hash (from all top quality meds). since my other endeavor(sp) turned out very well (green dragon tincture into oil), im wondering if turning my 1.9g nug of pressed keif hash into a concentrate (oil) wouldd work out good, or should i leave the nug well enough alone and just top off my bowls with it?

thanks everyone
ive read some tutorials about the melting process. one i liked was using a double boiler method: bring pot of water to boil. remove from heat. place metal bowl with keif inside and let melt or help melt it by smushing it with a spoon. then scrape up your concentrate. i plan on using this method, but instead of using a metal bowl ill use a glass pyrex dish (easier to scrape concentrate).

ever since i made my green dragon oil yesterday i am HOOKED on concentrates. i have about 3/4 of an oz of pineapple express i may make some oil out of. well, maby just use a half and save a 1/4 for smoking purposes.

ill snap some pics along the way.
so that didnt work out as planned. i couldnt get it to melt down. not sure wtf i did wrong, as i did everything i read on another thread. i used a pyrex dish instead of a metal one, that was the ONLY deviation. so i out it all back in my press and made another nug.

if anyone has an idea on what went wrong or what i did wrong, please chime in. im a newb when it comes to concentrates/oils.

How long did you heat it up for? I would imagine a metal bowl would heat up faster than a pyrex would. If i were you i would break the keif up and mix it with some ISO, filter it and get some amazing pure ISO oil.
a good 5mins, 10 mins max on the heating time. plus being winter here in Michigan, going the ISO route might not be too good of an idea, as i dont have a well ventilated area to do it in.
get a thermometer and place it in your water thats heating. From what i can find cannabinoids start to release/whatever you want to call it at a minimum of 140*C so i would aim for the 110-130*C mark. Go from there and see how it goes. Personally i would add a a spoonful or two of 99% ISO and make your hash into a paste or something close to that and then place it on the water. As long as you dont have a open flame and you arnt stupid enough to put a lit match near it you shouldn't have a problem, turning on the overhead fan would help too.

If it helps at all i make ISO every few weeks and i evap it off in my bathroom with the fan on. Never had a issue.
wondering if the purity of the keif has anything to do with it? What size screen did you make the keif from? perhaps too much contaminate?
why waste that time with a tiny bit of keif? i could understand if u had zips if it is such high grade keif just smoke it

unknown: im not sure of the screen size. in my keif tray, i only get lightly colored gold keif. i havent seen make screens, but this one is very fine.

biglungs: well ever since i made some oil last week out of some extra green dragon tincture i had )havent used it in months), i highly (pun very much intended) preferr to smoke oil vs smoking buds. cleaner, and i get ripped longer from dabs.

sorry, i was snowboarding the last few days. i ended up making an ISO out of the 2g of keif, and a seperate batch when i cleaned out my keif box, grinder, all baggies i saved up and other containers i had laying around. the darker one on the right is the only made only from the 2g of keif and purged for 2hrs on low heat, then 48 hrs in my cupboard. i tool 2 rips and was tore up for 5+ hrs. i forgot a few things when i was packing for my trip, as i was too damn high. lol

the one on the left is the clean out batch, which didnt yeild too much, and to be honest wasnt that potent as i smeared it on a joint. was so so. nothing to write home about.

now i am still a newb when it comes to making extracts and what not, so im still learning and asking alot of questions. so bare with me everyone.