twisteds not so twurple


Well-Known Member
hey all! please take a look at the leaf pic for me....i have grown for a long time and never had this issue. im stumped. same soil/water lights/ same conditions over and over and never had this happen.



Well-Known Member
i forgot to add- growing in organic soil, plants are 2 weeks old, home made auto strain, no additional nutes have been added.
plants are watered with ph to 6.5 ro water. temps 75. light 600 hps and 400 mh at 20/4. nighttime temp 69.
i have grown in with this soil for a while and never had this happen.
started with bottom leaves
plants are watered every 5-6 days or when dry for 1 full day
ppm of water goiong in is 5. water from drainage is 400