Two 2 foot t12s.


Well-Known Member
I am starting my indoor grow and have 3 seedlings about a week old. I have them under some t5s. I think 400 watt. 4 bulbs x 4 feet. (Overkill I know, it’s all I had). Anyways I was cleaning up my garage and found some brand new 2 ft x 20watt t112s. 2 bulbs for the fixture.
my question is. Are these enough to grow my seedlings for a few weeks or should keep my babies under the t5s?
thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Keep under the t5s. Seedlings are fine about a foot (or more) away from them at first, just make sure they don't get too warm (with the temps outside as they are, these do generate a bit of heat). Each 4 ft t5 is only about 50 watts, I forget the exact watts of those bulbs though, maybe slightly less. It's not 400 watts, no worries!
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Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
T5s (in the 6500 color range) are fine for veg. No need to change.
Three plants would outgrow the 2' light pretty quickly anyway.
Keep on truckin'