Two days without watering in wilma clay pebbles HELP NEEDED

Hi I am using 10 pot wilmas and my timer for my pump was left off accidentally for two days and now my plats look like there dying, they have gone yellow from the bottom up and drooping leaves,
I have since doubled the watering feeds are my plants salvageable id be heartbroken if 40 exodus cheese plants were to go in the bin
someone help me!!!


Well-Known Member
don't double anything. starving something doesn't give it the capability to consume twice as much nor twice as fast

if it's still alive, giving it normal amounts of pure water will cause it to perk back up within a few hours

just don't drown it in trying to help it out

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the loss of a few, or even a lot of leaves is the price the plant is willing to pay to stay alive. if your growing tips turn brown, its game over. if they are still green, then they should recover.
like monkey said, dont drown them. get back on your regular watering schedule, and dont use fertilizers untill it's ready to start making new growth again.