Two grow tents set up. please rate


I've been reading about growing pot for a year now, starting to get serious. I'm planning on having two grow tents, harvesting every 8 weeks.

The first will be 4"x4" (1.2mx1.2mx2m), it will have 9 clones under a 600watt HM light, for vegetation.

The other will be identical except with HPS light, it will be for flowering.

Every 2 months I will create a lot of clones from the original clones and put them in the vegetation room. And the 2 month old clones will be moved to the flowering room. I think this is called SoG. Will be growing in soil because I'm a newb.

Expectations: 600watt=600g every 2 months.

Problem: No ventilation & smell, I know I could buy a fan & tubing and carbon filter but this aint cheap.
Local website sells the 200mm filter for 250NZD (~210USD), and a 200mm fan for 300NZD (250USD). I would need two of each plus shipping to my city. Im sure most would agree this is bs. Any alternatives? One big room so I only buy one of each? Only have filter for flowering tent? Bite the bullet?


Well-Known Member
You definitely need a carbon filter and fan. You place will start on fire if you dont have that and an exhaust. Maybe not literally but youll never be able to get it under 100+ in there.

Id go on ebay and look for HTG supply. Not sure if they ship out of country but if they do youre golden. Either way look on ebay or amazon theyll have the cheapest ones.

Second, if you can 2 rooms would help but 2 tents would work fine. HTGsupply also has pretty good deals on them but if not ebay and amazon have EVERYTHING.

For pots id go with the smart pots or a similar generic clone. You should be able to find about 9 3 gallon pots in each tent.

Get air cooled hoods as well.

Its better to invest the right amount of money up front or youll be constantly running out and grabbing things because things are going wrong.

If you bite the bullet then you will probably have successful grows to start out with.

Last but not least. You will more than likely not get anywhere close to 600g/harvest. Its possible. But you need a specific, high yielding strain, usually more time for scroging vs sog (at least the way you plan to) and very good general knowledge of how to get the max out of your strain. Not sayin you wont eventually.

But youll need some time do dial in the setup, get temps right, learn how to fight mold and pests.

To really succeed you need to buy everything you need. Not the most expensive or the "best" although sometimes the best is the best. Just get simple stuff. Dont be roped into marketing schemes.


Well-Known Member
You can suck the air from the first tent through the second tent if you have a air cooled tube and then exhaust out.

---> Tent #1 ---> Tent #2 ---> Air filter ---> air cooled tube ---> exhaust

this will be fine considering tent #1 would be the veg tent, IF you had T5's there wouldn't be any heat problems and a in line fan would vent for you perfectly with no smell...

Should look into making your own carbon scrubber... Cheap and seem's to be effective by those who went this route but they did small grows. You should look into central air filters. Around $5 one and can use 2-4 depending on level of smell. :peace: Happy growing


Some good ideas in this thread, venting from one tent to another sounds like the best choice.

Ye the 600g is only the goal, who knows what will happen. My first grow could not even make it past germination, thanks to moldy New Zealand homes. Learned my lesson about moisture.