Two of my seeds... vanished


Well-Known Member
I had planted 6 seeds, 4 THC Bomb and 2 Sensi Kush. After about a week, four of them started poking out of the soil, but 2 of the THC bomb weren't. I got a little impatient and (I don't know why, really...) I dumped out their soil to see what was going on in there. And... there was nothing but dirt.

Yeah, stupid move on my part, but could the seeds have rotted away from the soil being too moist? I was making the mistake of misting the soil frequently every day instead of watering every few days


Well-Known Member
I've experienced this phenomenon before as well. I actually thought maybe I had dreamed planting the ones I couldn't find.. it was almost like they had never been planted.

I think the only possible explanation for this occurrence, is that the seeds are indeed rotting away. Becoming part of the soil/compost.. so to say.

It's the only explanation I can come up with.

Who knows for sure though.


Well-Known Member
I've experienced this phenomenon before as well. I actually thought maybe I had dreamed planting the ones I couldn't find.. it was almost like they had never been planted.

I think the only possible explanation for this occurrence, is that the seeds are indeed rotting away. Becoming part of the soil/compost.. so to say.

It's the only explanation I can come up with.

Who knows for sure though.
Yeah... that makes sense because I just found out the method I was using to water them was actually encouraging of root rot. :/

Maybe if I plant new seeds in that soil they'll be twice as good, lol

nope I stole em and am holding them for ransom .... want em back ? it's gonna cost ya : )


Well-Known Member
Hey Busted. Same thing happened to me the first time I planted seeds. Didn't come up so I went digging and pouring out soil. Never found them. I mentioned in another thread yesterday that the best way to know if the seeds germinate is putting them in a shot glass first. After they germinated, you can place them in soil. This way you know they germinated and it's a matter of days until they break ground.


Active Member
what really happens is they dont pop and we keep watering ... they just turn into compost and disappear . I always germ them with the papertowel method so I know its good before I cover em up ... hope the rest do well for ya : )


i know birds have stolen 2 seedlings and almost got another one but the roots were too long for them to be pulled out. Blasted Birds!!!!!