two plants in one pot....


Well-Known Member
ok heres my problem question,,,i have 2 ''pure og ''plants growing side by side in one pot,there currently 2 weeks into flower and already showing sex,,,i got the seeds from a female plant that went hermie on one side ,so i know my plants could go hermie as well,,so ass the days have went by i noticed only female traits on both plants except for one branch on one of them,its growing little balls and this going to affect my plant with no sighns of male,,,,should i chop only that branch,,,,,,,i dont know what to do......:confused:


Active Member
I don't think that the hermied plant will somehow convince the other plant to hermie, but it can definitely seed the plant. Cut the hermied plant at the very base of the soil and let the second plant grow. It may or may not hermie. I would not chop just that branch. Sometimes a plant will produce one or two small pollen sacs, and those are okay to pluck, but a whole branch? Chop it with extreme prejudice.


Active Member
if you plant two plants in the same pot they will compete for light and nutrients, more then likely one will die, maybe.


Active Member
if you plant two plants in the same pot they will compete for light and nutrients, more then likely one will die, maybe.
That isn't really a rule. Obviously 2 plants in the same space will be competing for nutes, but that doesn't mean they will die. There are a lot of benefits to having mutliple plants in a bed style grow. Plants with stronger immunities can strengthen the immune system of weaker plants by sharing soil.


Active Member
That isn't really a rule. Obviously 2 plants in the same space will be competing for nutes, but that doesn't mean they will die. There are a lot of benefits to having mutliple plants in a bed style grow. Plants with stronger immunities can strengthen the immune system of weaker plants by sharing soil.
It's a rule for me let me tell you why. Two plants WILL be competing for lite and nutes one will eat more then the other and you will have to water and feed more often. Another downside is if one is male and another is female, you fem will be turned hermie or worse. and also after you have found out 1 is male and the other is female the roots will most likely be tangles causing them to rip when attempting to re-pot due to separation. In my opinion DO NOT put 2 plants in one pot, put them in separate pots so then they wil have more chance of surviving.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so it's a rule based on "more than likely" and "maybe"?

as he states, he doesn't doubt that they will fight for light and food, but more likely than not they will both be fine (not taking the hermie issue into acount of course)

just look at nft and dwc, roots in the same space, still works even if one may grow smaller than the others.


Active Member
so it's a rule based on "more than likely" and "maybe"?

as he states, he doesn't doubt that they will fight for light and food, but more likely than not they will both be fine (not taking the hermie issue into acount of course)

just look at nft and dwc, roots in the same space, still works even if one may grow smaller than the others.
It's a rule based on the facts I stated, which you know which are fact and opinion cause I clearly stated all of it. If you want to be ignorant go right ahead. Because any weed smoker with common knowledge(I thought) would know that it's more sufficient to have a plant in it's own pot rather then two plants in one pot.


Well-Known Member
if you plant two plants in the same pot they will compete for light and nutrients, more then likely one will die, maybe.
more than likely one will die????that is wildly inaccurate.......good thing you put the maybe at the!!!


Active Member
more than likely one will die????that is wildly inaccurate.......good thing you put the maybe at the!!!
I posted to give information and try to help a guy out and once again I get ridiculed, I'm beginning to wonder if roll it up is even worth posting on. I'm so sick of "adults" acting like ignorant children. You need to grow up before I make you look illiterate. Anyone that has any knowledge of weed knows it's better to have one plant in it's separate pot.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
re-read what has been written. noone has debated the fact that they may grow differently as one get's more nutes and light, noone has stated this is wrong. yet you keep replying as if we have. please learn to read before you call me the child. you're arguing a non-existent adversary.

we are however arguing that the statement "more then likely one will die, maybe." is totally vague and not the rule.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no, that's exactly the point..

you made a clear cut 2 point statement. the first point was accurate, the second point was a load of tosh which you even knew yourself hence how unsure you sound.

thaiboy then AGREED with you, but INFORMED the OP that the second part of your statement was not 100% true, and then you come back stating that it is the rule, arguing nothing but the first point you made, to which thaiboy had agreed, and then Finnish off your post stating that it's just your opinion.

i then reply to clarify what thaiboy meant, and you once again reply arguing nothing more than that 2 plants will fight. again not adressing the latter of your points.

then you just break off into name calling and being childish. please explain how we are the children for stating to the OP that two plants in 1 pot will NOT kill your plant for definate, some might say being informative.

and delete your account? because you got it so badly wrong haha, figures, children won't stand accountable for their acctions


Well-Known Member
I posted to give information and try to help a guy out and once again I get ridiculed, I'm beginning to wonder if roll it up is even worth posting on. I'm so sick of "adults" acting like ignorant children. You need to grow up before I make you look illiterate. Anyone that has any knowledge of weed knows it's better to have one plant in it's separate pot.
WoW....i'm speechless.........peace:joint:


Well-Known Member
just go away and don't come back if your that unhappy. your account will be lost with countless others.


Active Member
I wish i could file a complaint. fuck this place, to all you REAL motherfuckers, peace.:peace: