Two plants in one pot?


Well-Known Member
I have searched but couldnt find an exact answer. Due to the small scale of my grow room, i wont be able to fit two large pots in it, And im planning on growing one or two plants. I have a large container about 17 inchs by 14 and 10 inches deep. Would it be possible to grow to plants in this? I understand that roots will be getting tangled etc.

I'm limited on my time for growing as well so i wont be growing these plants massively, which i guess would help the root space.

Thanks in advance for anyhelp.
yes shouldnt be a problem....

U can tangle the plants together.... ;)

hehehehe..... and you'r plants wont die......
yea i threw a bunch of bagseed in a huge pot last spring. There was like 15 seeds and i ended up have like 9 females in one 8 gallon pot. They all grew to be around 6 feet tall. That one 8 gallon pot yielded me almost a pound in a half.
before you take someones advice check their rep "the little grey and red boxes below Gallery" the more they have the better
dont listen to the 2 guys above this, they are lieing and runing this website

fuck you
why isnt 2 plants per pot in veg a bad idea. especially if he only is growing 1 pot. Gives him way better odds of gettin a female. Chances are one of them will get the chop when they start flowering anyways..
because it will kill the plants, the roots will get all bound up... theres a reason you haVE no rep and its because of ass hole posts like that
i have no rep because i usually just chill on here post in toke n talk and shit...
it wont kill the plants tho
THE WORST it's gonna do it reduce your yeild.
they were all in one pot...
fuck you again for calling me a liar


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I too believed that 2 plants in one pot was not going to work so i never bothered trying it until i ended up with extra healthy females,i had no floor space left & 6 extra beauties left out but what to do................:idea:

I took the 3 gallon pots & sorta split them in half using 4 mil black plastic to help keep the root masses seperated, then planted 2 to one pot.

All 6 are currently into heavy bud & show no signs of sickness,slowed development or any evidence of a smaller yeild when visually compared to the other plants that were transplanted & put into bud on the same day.

Im sure the roots are tangled around the sides & bottom of the pots but the main root masses are seperate,how well it works not using plastic to seperate the plants i cant say as ive never done it that way,what i can say is that my plants are comming along like little troopers with no ill effects at all, they have around a month to go before harvest.
yea it pissed me off
sorry if i was rude, we all put one plant per pot.. But more than one can be done
we run a green house too. and have tryed the two or more per pot and have had much succsess in growing them , but we grow them beginning to end outside and they get watered and feed just as everything else.
So the argument is reduced to the grower knowing what he or she is doing. If done properly there seems to be no problem...but if you mess up the problem will be amplified...losing on pot with 2 or more ladies in it would suck twice as much.
Good Luck!
im so sorry to cause a debate, i didnt mean to. Well my seeds are feminized so im guesing that reduces the chances of me having to rip one of the plants out anway, so that would void the problem of the roots getting tangled then removing one of the plants.

So if i some how split the soil in two with a sheet of plastic down the middle i should be ok? I'm not too fussed about a massive yield, i have a deadline to harvest by 28th June anyway due to the fact im going on holiday for three weeks. My seeds seem to be taking for ever to germ as well.. Not all is going smoothly for me lol

Thanks for the input so far
we did 2 in 1 pot for about 6 of them ran outa pots and i wish we hadnt they still grew but it seems each pot 1 would overtake the other so we owuld have 1 tall one and 1 short one turns pout the dankest lookin one we had was a short one ;(

they will still grow though